On Monday, all will be revealed on Eye Candy when Lindy goes head-to-head with the Flirtual Killer (spoiler if you haven't seen Episode 9 yet: it's her Aussie boyfriend, Jake). Unfortunately, there's a chance that the series could be on it's last breath, much like what seems to be every character on the show (seriously, how have so many people died in nine episodes?) Season 2 of Eye Candy hasn't been confirmed, and judging by the numbers, it might not get a second season, even if fans try to intervene.
Season 1 of Eye Candy has proved to be very thrilling and often chilling (see the body count mentioned above), but it all comes to an end on the season (maybe series) finale. Lindy should finally learn that Jake is the Flirtual Killer and his obsession with "Eye Candy" will be revealed. Surely, there are going to be more twists and turns that happen throughout the episode, and hopefully the mysteries that have been developed so far get their answers. But what are the chances we'll be left on a cliffhanger to tide us over until Season 2? I don't know if there really are any chances, because at this point in the series, Eye Candy has not been renewed for a second season.
For past MTV series, like Finding Carter, the news of a second season order has come during the run of the first season. Unfortunately, fans of Eye Candy haven't heard the news yet, and in this case, I don't know if the old saying "no news is good news" really stands true. According to a ratings guide for the show, the series pulled in one of its lowest viewerships on Episode 9 (one episode before the finale, when viewing would ideally be strong because of the mystery). Unfortunately, the numbers don't lie when network officials are making decisions on renewing shows for their sophomore season, and I don't know if these ratings are strong enough to bring back the show for a second season.
That doesn't mean fans have given up on trying to convince MTV that Eye Candy deserves a second season. One fan has created a Change.com petition to get the show a second season, and while I love the comradery that comes with that, I am not sure it is enough. Then again, the writers of the show must have more mysteries up their sleeve, but now that Lindy knows her stalker, how many more times can something like that happen? Perhaps the show would shift into Lindy working with the Cyber Crimes Unit to work cases on a week-by-week basis. Cyber crimes are definitely a worthy television concept in 2015, but whether or not there will be enough of an audience to watch a new, different season ofEye Candy is yet another question we still don't know the answer to.
Image: MTV