
We Hope This Lady's the Next Big Thing

by Alanna Bennett

June Diane Raphael is a thoroughly funny lady. Still, she's been flying juuust under the radar for a while now. There were signs of a soon-to-come breakout when it was announced that she and Happy Endings star Casey Wilson would be doing an ABC show together. All signs of a breakout are even stronger now — Deadline just announced that June Diane Raphael will be co-starring in Business Trip alongside Vince Vaughn.

Raphael can be most recently seen in last week's episode of Parks and Recreation, in which she plays April's spinning-class-loving Eagleton counterpart. She was hilarious, as she always is, so this news comes at a great time for Raphael's fans.

According to Deadline, Business Trip, which is set to be directed by Ken Scott, "centers on a struggling Midwestern businessman (Vaughn) who takes his team cross-country to win a contract but everything seems to go wrong along the way. His wife (Raphael) wants him to spend more time with his family and kids."

Our biggest hope for a movie like this is that they really let Raphael shine the way that we know that she can, and don't fall into that big comedy movie trope of the wife as the naggy killjoy. Raphael's also got the Sundance comedy Ass Backwards — which she wrote and co-starred in with Wilson — working for her, so she doesn't need any stereotypical nonsense.