What If 'The Flash' Met 'Jane The Virgin'?

I love The Flash. You love The Flash. We all love The Flash. So, it's no wonder that The Flash keeps crossing over with its also beloved sibling show, Arrow. But why stop with just that? Just for a second, let's imagine that we live in a world where all CW shows exist in the same beautiful universe, and Central City is conveniently located close to Miami. Now, imagine that The Flash doesn't crossover with another DC Comic, but rather a telenovela. A combined The Flash/Jane the Virgin crossover episode would be the most exciting, craziest thing the CW could ever do, and now it's all I want out of life.
No, don't ask me how or why suddenly Barry Allen and Jane Villanueva come face to face, but I trust the folks at both shows to come up with some brilliant idea — they've never failed us before. I mean, both shows are so highly praised, and Jane the Virgin even has a Golden Globe! Why shouldn't two of the CW's most promising shows cross over with one another? Fans' hearts might just explode with glee. What would a crossover event between the two of them even look like? I've got some ideas. But be prepared, you're probably going to cry at least once.
The Family Drama Will Be Intense
Deep down inside, The Flash is a show about family. Wearing its heart on its sleeve, Jane the Virgin is a show about family, too. So what will happen when these two families combine? Ugh, my heart is already bursting at the seams and crying inside over it.
The 'Ships Will Get Intense
WestAllen. SnowBarry. #TeamMichael. #TeamRafael. And that's only scratching the surface. You know Barry and Jane will hit it off right away — strictly as friends, come on — but everyone else will see their spark and chemistry. Get ready to add another 'ship to your life.
The Narrator Will Be Like, WTF?
Sometimes the best part of Jane the Virgin is the Narrator. He's there to give us an inside look into what's going on with Jane, but can you IMAGINE him trying to figure out what the heck is going on with Barry? Like, the Narrator sees all. So the narrator is going to see Barry racing into town, and he probably won't be able to contain his confusion. I mean, if you were narrating a television show, wouldn't you be confused at the sight of the Scarlet Speedster?
Barry Will Head To The Beach
He'll be in Miami. He'll end up at the beach somehow. I feel like Barry would make the best sandcastles, since he wouldn't have to deal with the awkwardness that is building something out of sand (because he'd build them in the blink of an eye). Also, an excuse for shirtless Barry.
Harrison Wells Will Be Very Interested In The Miami Crime Rings
Sometimes I feel like Harrison Wells is one day away from a full-out crime binge, and that won't just keep him in Central City. Showing up in Miami, Harrison will become very interested in whatever Petra is up to. I mean, Harrison is kinda the crime-boss of Central City as it is. He should be allowed to make friends with other crime families.
Cisco Will Be MIA
...because he drove three hours north to go to Disney World. I fee like Caitlin will complain about going with him, but will secretly be really excited.
Yes, We're Going To Cry
Jane the Virgin makes me happy-cry, because sometimes I'm just so overwhelmed with emotions watching it. The Flash also makes me cry, and that happens anytime Barry hugs either his father, or Joe West. If the two combine, I can only imagine the waterworks that will follow.
Images: Cate Cameron/CW; Giphy (6); flashsource/tumblr