Graduating Grad School Vs. Graduating Undergrad
If you're a student — whether undergraduate or graduate — the fact that graduation is nigh is probably making you feel one of two different ways. For instance, if you’re graduating from college as a sweet, itty bitty undergrad, you’re most likely riddled with emotion and are reminiscing over the magical, alcohol fueled days gone by. On the other hand, if you’re graduating from grad school, you little scholar you, you’re probably ready to (metaphorically, of course) burn the place to the ground, march into the flames for a proper soul cleansing, and hopefully reemerge unscathed like a graduate Khaleesi. There is no in between. The vast difference in emotions between a grad school graduation and that of an undergrad one is not easily explainable unless you’re going through it or have gone through it. So, being that I am experiencing this phenomenon first hand, let me show you the best way I know how… through a plethora of Real Housewives of New York GIFs.
I know what you’re thinking, what could that possibly have to do with college at all? Well, my friend, these larger than life ladies and their constant melodramas are what college is all about. Plus, who hasn’t binged a season (or three) when they were supposed to be studying for finals? This will just bring everything full circle, trust me.
So, without further ado, here is what graduating from grad school is like vs. graduating from undergrad... according to the RHONY ladies:
Last day of classes
*Puts on Sarah McLachlan's "I Will Remember You"* *cries*
Grad School:
*Does back flips all the way home*
Your last supper before commencement
Whatever's in the pantry.
Grad School:
...seriously, whatever's in the pantry.
Career philosophy
Will work for food... and minimum wage.
Grad School:
Will work for morals... and the promise of a 401k and benefits.
Saying goodbye to your friends
Grad School:
Yeah, there's no friends in grad school.
Your life outlook
Grad School:
Brutal dictator.
Your dating life:
Picky and judgy.
Grad School:
Not as much.
Attitude towards people who already have jobs:
Ha! Denial is fun.
Grad School:
Acceptance is better. It's cool, I'm a housechild. You know, because I still live with my parents...
After going on a job interview:
What do you mean you don't care about my Bachelor's degree?
Grad School:
Make way for the Master, peasants. Give me ALL THE JOBS.
Prepping to walk in the ceremony:
Pictures! Even more pictures!
Grad School:
*Hands in thesis* *Crawls to graduation*
The actual graduation ceremony
RIP, youth.
Grad School:
Peace out, school. See ya never.