
How Long Until We See Angela On 'Girl Meets World?

by Rachel Paige

By the time Girl Meets World makes it to Season 3, there won't be any more Boy Meets World cast members left to guest star. The Disney Channel show is going into Season 2 and has added a slew of upcoming guest stars, including Shawn Hunter's one true love, Angela. When will Angela show up on Girl Meets World ? In my opinion, she can't come soon enough.Girl Meets World is kicking off its second season with brand new episodes every single day this week (because clearly Disney Channel realizes that everyone wants to marathon shows all the time). As for Angela (played by Trina McGee), Variety reported that she will appear in the episode, "Girl Meets Hurricane," but her reason for stopping by NYC to hang out with her old friends remains unknown.

"Girl Meets Hurricane" is Episode 9 of this season, but luckily, you won't have to wait nine weeks to see it — it should air by mid-June. After this week's five episodes in a row, Girl Meets World will go back to airing one episode every Friday. "Girl Meets Squirrels" (that's the episode with Eric Matthews, FYI) will air May 15, and that's Episode 5. So barring any breaks or doubled-up episodes, Angela's episode should air on June 12. The last time Boy Meets World fans saw of Angela, she was leaving the country. Throughout the final episodes of Boy Meets World, she and Shawn had a few big ups and downs and in the end, she basically broke things off with him to go to Europe with her dad. Was Shawn heartbroken? Yes. Was I heartbroken? Yes. Do I still think they're destined to be together one way or another? Most definitely.

According to IMDb, both Shawn and Angela will appear in "Girl Meets Hurricane," so it's safe to say that the two of them will finally see each other again. Is it too early to start planning another Boy Meets World wedding?

Without a solid plot for the episode, we have no idea why Angela is passing through New York City — unless, of course, she's there for Shawn. Executive producer Marc Jacobson did tell Entertainment Tonight that, "For Shawn and Angela, there will be resolution to [their] relationship."

"We gave it so much thought and we decided that given the history of these characters and where they are in their lives, [that] will shape where they stand," Jacobs also said. "We will be bombarded on Twitter after this episode airs. There will be people who love it, there will be people who don’t, but I will tell you that it's real, and that's what we were guided by."

Hate it or love it (but probably love it), I'm just excited to see Shawn and Angela share my TV screen again.

Images: Ron Tom/Disney Channel; Giphy