How To Use Bustle's Brand New App
Hopefully you've heard the good news by now: Bustle has a new app! Haven't downloaded it yet? Don't worry, you can do that right here.
We get it, you're super busy. So our curators are working tirelessly to comb the web for you at all hours of the day, every day of the week. They're busy digging up the best of the internet and making sure it's right at your fingertips. The Bustle app is basically the one tool you need in your pocket to make sure you never experience FOMO ever again.
We’re so excited to share all these laugh-out-loud memes, easy style tips, live entertainment updates, TV spoilers and theories, breaking news updates, and more with you, but, first, we want to make sure you know exactly how to navigate through all that awesomeness. And trust us, it's a lot of awesomeness. Let’s get started!
Follow your favorite topics
Pick from over 50 topics to create a personal newsfeed that will keep you up to date on the things you love. You can follow as many or as few as you want and edit your topics again at any time. Not exactly sure where to start? We auto-selected "Trending" and "Breaking News" to make things easier.
And don't forget that we're constantly working for you. If any big news breaks or Brangelina breaks up, we'll be updating the app with new topics for you to follow that have all the latest updates.
Skim your newsfeed
All of those topics you just followed? You can find the latest news on them all right in your newsfeed.
If you want to scroll through a specific topic, simply click the top bar with the topic name to go directly to that stream.
Share the stuff you love
Let your friends know all about what you just saw or read by clicking the Share button in the top right corner. Send that baby straight to text, email, Facebook, or Twitter!
Psst, you can even save photos directly to your phone if you want to send ‘em later.
Bookmark things for later
If you want to save an article to read another time, simply click the bookmark icon in the upper right corner. You can access it again under the “Bookmarks” tab in your “Me” feed.
Explore the entire app
Poke around the Explore tab to find other great topics to subscribe to! Jump over to the Latest Content tab to see every piece of content as it's pulled into the app.
Click over to the Bustle tab to see everything that’s currently live over at right now.
Still having trouble?
Send all feedback to and we'll get you squared away.
Images: Cora Foxx/Bustle