
The Scientific Reason People Rat Out Cheaters

by Amanda Chatel

According to statistics, roughly 30 to 60 percent of married people will cheat at some point during their relationship. Of course, trying to pinpoint an exact figure is near impossible because cheaters often don’t want something that many married people see as the ultimate betrayal out there for mass consumption. But no matter the exact figure, the fact remains that some people do cheat, and according to a new study, most people will report those cheaters.

Although you’d think someone’s personal life would remain just that ― personal ― the study published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior found that people just love to get involved in other people’s business. The research team took 487 college students, with an average age of 19 (67 percent of whom were women), and gave them a scenario regarding “Person A” who’s been cheated on by “Person B.” The participants were told that it was with “Person A” that they had friendship or connection, and since that was the case, would they inform “Person A” of the infidelity of “Person B,” based on pieces of information regarding the imaginary couple.

What they found was that for 89 percent of the circumstances and information provided to them regarding the couple, the participants decided to inform “Person A” that “Person B” was cheating. Although the percentage of reasons to inform on the cheater was high, there were a few things that determined the likelihood of the snitch divulging the goods.

For starters, it was found that people friends with the cheater were less likely to report the cheating than if their friend was the one who had been cheated on. Finances also came into play, too, in that if the cheater was financially provided for, then the third party felt it more necessary to tattle than if the person doing the cheating was the one bringing home the bacon. There was also the logistics of the relationship, the history of cheating, and whether or not there was abuse in the home. Basically, one’s decision to rat out a cheater is based on many factors, but still the majority of the factors lead to the cheater being turned into their partner for their devilish ways.

However, the researchers were also quick to note that the results could be completely different if the participants were more diverse and older in age. Let’s be honest ― what does a 19-year-old really know about cheating? Especially cheating between two adults who have taken an oath to keep it in their pants until death do them part? I can’t imagine they’re very versed in the reasons people commit infidelity or reasons to either share the news or keep it to themselves. I say this study needs a do-over.

Images: Giphy