9 Funny People You Really Should Follow On Twitter
I'm not the type to overly curate my Twitter feed, but finding the funniest people on Twitter is a worthwhile endeavor for anyone. I mostly use Twitter to "keep up with the Joneses" or the Kardashians, or whatever cultural, political, or otherwise information I need to exist in the world as a human and also do my job as a writer well. Twitter is great for keeping your finger on the pulse, and yes I know I just sounded like a mother when I said that, but I am about to turn 30 and I don't have Snapchat so I'm allowed to say daggy things about social media now. Hashtags and other such nonsense tell you what the connected masses are talking about, and it's a fairly easy way to update yourself on just about anything going on anywhere in the world within seconds. But Twitter is also a place where funny people are being funny, and before we get too swept away in the practicality of Twitter blah blah we should definitely take a moment to LOL at a few poop jokes.
The following list of funny people to follow on Twitter comes to your directly from my feed. Sure, my choices are subjective, but I think you'll find the jokes pleasing. Meanwhile, I am more than happy to hear suggestions of more funny people on Twitter, the world is, after all, one giant stand up and we're just drunk hecklers sitting in the dark. Here are the nine funniest people to follow on Twitter, according to me:
1. The Coquette
One of the happiest days of my life was when The Coquette followed me because The Coquette is hilarious. It's a Twitter full of impressive pop culture satire and sometimes gloriously politically incorrect jokes.
This parody account run by a mysterious but hilarious individual pokes fun at Entourage and is more than worth the follow because it's got some pretty sick burns.
I saw Aparna do stand up and almost did a wee in my pants because she's so funny. The same thing happens every time I read one of her Tweets.
4. Ant Simpson
A funny Australian fella with the byline, "Author of the bestselling novel 'The Notebook' by Nicholas Sparks."
Comic and writer for Last Week Tonight With John Oliver, Josh is clever and funny on Twitter too!
6. Krista Doyle
I can't remember when or how I found Krista, but I'm very glad I did.
Daniel Kibblesmith makes me LOL so hard mother-f**kers wanna fine me. That shit CRAY.
If you're the kind of person who says things like "girl crush", Julieanne Smolinski is about to become yours.
I wanted to shy away from putting Hollywood celebrities on this list but Anna Kendrick is far too funny and candid on Twitter to be ignored. SHE FEELS LIKE ONE OF US.