Love is a powerful thing. Thousands of Americans are celebrating the Supreme Court's decision to make same-sex marriage a constitutional right. These people are so full of love and compassion and we need more people like them in the world. Today we celebrate evolution, progress and love of every kind. Love does not have a label or any boundaries and it doesn't choose favorites. History has been made and much like when women got the vote, another group of people have been able to take one huge step forward to being treated as equals in society and that is definitely something to celebrate!
I for one cannot wait to see the beautiful same-sex wedding photos that are sure to start streaming through all social media channels. Not only will these brides and grooms be celebrating their love for one another but also their freedom to marry whomever they desire. It has taken a long time for society to realise that there are not certain "types" of people and that we will not be forced into labelled boxes without a fight. Today one of those boxes has been torn, pummelled and smashed to smithereens. So let's show our support for same-sex marriage and wear awesome, rainbow makeup. Here are a few ideas to get your creative juices flowing. Now let's smash some more boxes!
1. The Rainbow Eye
This is a bold, statement eye from Fløjgaard & Malek which would be an amazing choice to wear to celebrate same-sex marriage. I like how the eye is lined with a thick coating of black eyeliner to allow the rainbow brights to pop out while also framing the eye.
2. The Subtle Rainbow
This look is ideal for anyone who wants to sport rainbow makeup but wear it in a subtle way. It is super cute and would add a creative edge to any outfit. If you're thinking of having a rainbow party you need to check out everythingrainbow's Instagram profile. As the name suggests, there are snaps of anything and everything rainbow colored and it's sure to give you some great style inspiration.
3. Shining Rainbow Lips
I love these reposted photos from Tribal Vault. Ṩ†ELLΔR feature reposted images of "vibrant and unique individuals from Instagram" and these sparkly lips do not fail to disappoint. Team these lips with a sequin dress and you'll be the most dazzling girl in town.
4. A Rainbow Look For A Pink Floyd Fan
Olga is a beauty and lifesyle blogger from Moscow. Here she has created an epic makeup look based on "The Dark Side of the Moon" which is almost Bowie-esque. She is too cool.
5. The Matchy Matchy Rainbow Look
If you wish to go all out, no holds barred, full on rainbow then steal the style of Shan from Ireland. She used contouring to achieve this multi-colored look in support of gay pride.
6. The Pastel Rainbow Eyebrows
Are you bored of normal colored eyebrows? Me too! Why not copy Mici's super pretty pastel ones instead?
7. The Glittering Rainbow
If you love dramatic makeup, look no further than this incredible, glittery rainbow makeup! Sofia from Sweden has experimented to create this fantastical rainbow hued look which would certainly catch people's eyes. Check out her quirky collection of other statement looks too.
8. The Love Rainbow
Spread the love with this adorable rainbow eye containing tiny hearts. This look is absolutely perfect to celebrate same-sex marriage and IMO would look awesome worn to a same-sex wedding, especially worn by the bride or groom.
9. The Hidden Rainbow
Unleash the rainbow with this eclectic, zipper style. Not only is this look really beautiful but it also serves as a smart metaphor for same sex marriage. Double win!
Images: Giphy (2); flojgaard_malek, everythingrainbow, st3l.lar,crystalolguita, pantalamonshan,hey_mici, tafysmakeup, cssmakeup, peggywrightmua /Instagram