
Now's Your Chance To Date Mariah Carey

by Allyson Koerner

On Tuesday, aka "new music Tuesday," one of the many queens of the industry debuted a brand new tune. That's right, I'm talking about Mariah Carey's new song "Infinity." However, that isn't the only thing she debuted. As many of you, I'm sure, saw in her video, Mariah Carey joined Match, the popular online dating site. No, it just wasn't for the video and so she could check out Tyson Beckford shirtless or receive a puppy from Empire's Jussie Smollett. Carey is actually on Match and anyone can check out her profile.

In addition to sharing four photos of herself, three of which are from the "Infinity" video, she answered most of the questions anyone does when joining a dating site. In typical Mariah fashion, she revealed some surprising qualities she wants in a man, because, let's face it, the diva only wants the best.

First and foremost, it's important to mention that Carey does not discriminate when it comes to age. Per her profile, she's interested in men ranging from 20 to 120 years old. Now, I doubt she's going to find someone over 100, but, hey, if anyone can, it's her. Also, it looks like she is all about height. She's interested in a man who is between 6-feet and 8-feet 11-inches. See? I told you she likes them tall.

In addition to listing what she's looking for in a man, the 45-year-old also revealed some details about herself. For example, I absolutely love how she embraces her amazing figure by saying she's "curvy." Get it. Also, rather than saying she is a "musician" or "singer," Carey has "self-employed/entrepreneur" as her occupation. Granted, I don't think she even needs to list her job, because, well, she's super famous. Plus, she also embedded a few of her music videos on her profile.

In a statement she released along with her profile, Carey commented on her personal life and finding love. She said, "I hope every woman who is single and listens to this song goes out and finds her infinity, whether on Match or the traditional way.”

I have no doubt Carey is going to find a lot of options on Match.

Image: Match.com