
7 Times Paris Hilton Was In On The Joke

by Maggie Malach

Move over, Justin Bieber. Paris Hilton is officially my new favorite celebrity prankster. Not only is she a fierce businesswoman and a super-famous socialite, but the star also has an amazing sense of humor. Don't believe me? During an appearance on BBC Radio 1 on Wednesday, Hilton prank called her younger sister Nicky — and the result was hilarious.

In the clip, Paris — forced to make the call during a high-stakes game of "Call or Delete" – rings Nicky pretending to be the event planner for the younger Hilton's bachelorette party. Seeing as Paris is the maid of honor, she's in charge of the soiree and — if the fake event planner is to be believed — the event involves sumo wrestlers and ... oil?

Mad props to Paris, err Judith, for keeping a straight face and not breaking character. (Although that accent was a little questionable.) Equally mad props to Nicky for remaining calm, poised and polite throughout the entire process, proving that she can totally keep her cool under pressure.

Watch the hilarious prank call below:

To be honest, the socialite's comedic skills shouldn't come as a surprise. Paris proves time and time again that she's totally in on the joke about her image. After all, she made bank spoofing her public persona on The Simple Life and getting paid to simply be "Paris."

In honor of her hilarious phone call, here are seven more times the socialite proved that she's way funnier that we give her credit for.

1. When She Taught the World How to Be an Heiress

In fact, that's the first chapter in her book, Confessions of an Heiress.

2. When She Talked Thomas Pynchon with Seth Cohen on The OC

"Don't tell anyone I'm in grad school."

3. When People Competed to Be Her BFF

Only Paris could center an entire reality TV show around finding a partner in crime.

4. When She Appeared in House of Wax

That death scene? Ouch.

5. When She Starred in The Simple Life

Reality TV at its best.

6. When She Coined the Phrase "That's Hot"

When was the last time you had a signature statement?

7. When She Got Political on Us

"I want America to know that I'm, like, totally ready to lead."

Images: Giphy (3)