Watch The Duggars' Crazy Defense Of Josh

The scandal dogging the famous 19 Kids & Counting family reached critical mass Wednesday after Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar sat down with Fox News' Megyn Kelly to give an exclusive interview about the molestation allegations against eldest son Josh Duggar. Describing his actions back in 2002 as "some very bad mistakes," the Duggars downplayed Josh's fondling of five young girls and instead applauded him for confessing his actions to them. Fox News posted segments of the interview online, and here's where you can watch the Duggar interview.
The Duggars expressed their fears of failing as parents and how grateful they were that Josh approached them and confessed what he had done. But in perhaps the most shocking revelation to come out of the Duggar interview, Jim Bob and Michelle told Kelly that four of the five victims were Josh's younger sisters (the fifth was a babysitter).
While Kelly asked all the right questions — why the Duggars didn't immediately turn Josh in, why they decided to go on a reality TV show — the interview left many viewers incredulous at the Duggars' inability to recognize the gravity of the situation, both at the time and now as the allegations have come to light. Just watch for yourself and see what they have to say, although I have to warn you: It's pretty disgusting.
When Jim Bob And Michelle Learned About Josh's Actions
How Jim Bob And Michelle's Reacted To Josh's Confession
When They Found Out Josh Touched One Of Their Younger Daughters
How They Tried To Look Out For Both Josh And His Sisters
How They Picked The Police Officer To Whom They Turned Josh In
Whether They're A Target Because Of Their Christian Faith
Why They Would Go On A Reality Television Show Given Josh's Past
Image: Fox News