
How To Stream Porn On Your Phone For Free

by Laken Howard

I'll be the first to admit that I'm not much of a porn-watcher. I don't really need the audio/visual element and — out of sheer laziness — typically prefer to just use the ol' noodle to get off. However, I totally understand that there are some great adult films out there, and that tons of men and women love to watch porn. But when I heard about a new app called PornTime that lets you stream porn for free, I thought I'd give it a whirl even though it's not my typical modus operandi.

Apparently, I was behind the times and didn't realize that PornTime already had a less-sexual brother app called PopcornTime, which lets you stream regular movies via the app. The idea behind both is that the movies are streamed instantly from a variety of torrents, so you can skip the lengthy download times; instead simply click which movie you want to watch and — voila! — you're good to go.

By downloading the PornTime app, you have free access to high quality porn videos, which you can filter based on genre and popularity — they are even available with subtitles! PornTime aims to be the "best source for porn available on the Internet," and is currently looking for volunteers to help "add more great content." It's still in beta, but you can download the app for Mac, PC, iOS, and Android.

Here are three things you need to know about PornTime, based on my novice-level research — you're welcome, porn lovers.

1. The Logo Is Almost Too Cute

While fans of PopcornTime are already familiar with this smiley little guy, as a newcomer to the app, my first thought was "aww omg wittle popcorn," which may or may not be weird since I was downloading a porn app. Its innocent-looking eyes made me feel slightly guilty for the high-caliber sin I was committing, but I persevered. Apparently it even has a name — Pochoclin — which makes me feel even more creepy.

2. It's Pretty Fast

To be fair, I just saw a porn called "BigTitsAtSchool" and clicked with abandon in order to see how the app works. But the good news is that it took almost no time for the video to load and for me to be subjected to the image of a large-fake-breasted "college student" talking on the phone with her shirt unbuttoned (why?!). This might also be dependent on how good your wi-fi connection is, but hey, we'll just assume the app is speedy, too. For someone as lazy about masturbation as me, this was a huge plus: With almost no work involved, a porn was up and loaded with just a few clicks. That deserves an A+, IMHO.

3. The Legality Is Iffy

As with torrenting anything from the web, you're taking a legal risk. When I downloaded PornTime, I was prompted to "agree" with the terms of service, and was warned that the porn I was about to stream, strictly speaking, isn't legal. Because the app is open source, there's no telling where exactly your porn is coming from — but the creators of PornTime plan to release the source "very soon." If I downloaded the app for work purposes, that's allowed, right? Either way, proceed with caution!

Images:Chris Ford/Flickr; PornTime/PornTime App; Giphy (2)