
'Finding Carter' Season 2 Dropped A Major Bomb

by Christine DiStasio

Well, no one ever saw this coming — in fact, I was pretty close to getting hyped about Carter finding a new 'ship to sail in Season 2B. On Tuesday night's midseason finale of Finding Carter, Lori returned to the Wilsons' lives yet again because they really didn't have enough going on after Kyle's death during last week's episode. In the latest installment of the Lori-saga, Carter's kidnapper summoned her to court to testify in a trial that might end with Lori free as a bird. But, seeing Lori all dressed up like a suburban housewife wasn't the biggest shock of the evening — apparently, Lori and David's affair didn't just result in Carter's kidnapping. At the end of Tuesday's finale, the series revealed that Benjamin Wallace is Lori and David's son on Finding Carter . And, just like that, we're right back to where we started at the beginning of Season 2.

And we all thought that Lori revealing that she's Carter and Taylor's biological mother was the bombshell to end all bombshells on the MTV series — clearly that was a very wrong assumption. It was ominous on Tuesday night when Carter was interrogated about her 13 years as Lori's "daughter" and the defense more or less claimed that Lori had, in fact, been Carter's mother during that time, but I can't say I was prepared for this. When Benjamin took the stand and revealed that he was Lori and David's biological son and Lori did that creepy side-eye thing to Carter, my heart dropped. How did Carter not know anything about this child? She lived with Lori all of this time and, with Benjamin being close to her age, wouldn't she have met him?

It seems like — from what he told Carter about being in and out of court rooms his entire life — Benjamin was either taken from Lori or given up as an infant. Assuming whatever happened to separate them happened before Carter was kidnapped, is it possible that the loss of Benjamin — possibly due to Lori's mental illness — is what drove her to kidnap Carter in the first place? It'd make perfect sense, especially if Carter never spent time with this boy growing up. But there's another possibility here as well — what if this is another one of Lori's manipulative plots to get Carter back? Could Benjamin be lying under oath? Lori's convinced plenty of people to lie in the past — most recently, Madison — to get back into Carter's life, this could be just another crazy attempt.

Either way, we've got another teenager on Finding Carter with what has to be an incredibly sad backstory. And Lori is one step closer to really blowing up the Wilson family for good.

Image: screengrab/MTV