The ‘Friends’ Trivia Game, Made Bite-Sized

There are many wonderful things that Friends has provided me with over the years. One of my most favorite take aways from Friends is a thorough understanding of the two very important fictional games: Bamboozled and the apartment trivia game. Bamboozled is complicated and not for the faint of heart, so I will instead be focusing my attention on latter of the two. The Friends trivia game was a complex ordeal, with many facets and moving parts, and so I present you with this pie chart of the elements of the game so you can see, in visual format, just how amazing this game was.
In case I need to jog your memory, the epic Friends trivia showdown took place in the episode entitled “The One With The Embryos.” The game began during an argument in which Joey and Chandler claimed they knew Rachel and Monica better than the girls knew them. Then Ross got involved, spent way too much time developing an elaborate game (classic Ross), and the trivia game was born.
The episode with the trivia game is, bar none, my favorite episode of Friends. The escalation of the competitive spirit of the group, coupled with the absurd questions (and even more bizarre answers), never fails to leave me laughing. But what exactly is it about this trivia game that I find so beguiling? Let me break it down into smaller parts for you and make you understand the sheer perfection of the Friends trivia game via this dope pie chart.
If your memory needs a refresher, check out this hilarious clip of the Friends trivia game first.
Image: Warner Bros. Television; Dawn Foster/Bustle