9 Times The Hogwarts Professors Were Feminists

Hogwarts is pretty much the ideal school. The paintings move, there are secret passageways around every bend, studying consists of practicing magic, and in your free time you can try out for the house Quidditch team. As much fun as it is to buy fresh notebooks and pencils, imagine how amazing it would be to buy quills and rolls of parchment and your own OWL instead! And you could totally get away with wearing pajamas under those billowy school robes, not to mention that you could collect plenty of scarves and gloves and hats in order to sport your house colors 24/7. Sure, the O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s sound gruelling, but hey — they'll probably get cancelled at the end of the year anyway.
Not only does Hogwarts sound enchanting and unpredictable and adventurous, it also houses some of the most awesome professors to ever grace the pages of literature. From the charm-ing Professor Flitwick (see what I did there) to the always wise Albus Dumbledore, the teachers of Hogwarts were half the reason Harry was able to defeat Voldemort.
PLUS, in addition to their fierce academic skills, there are plenty of times when they were totally feminist:
When Professor Flitwick Maintained An Equality Policy In The Classroom
Professor Flitwick, the Hogwarts Charms professor, is known for treating everyone completely equally during class... even Dolores Umbridge. When Umbridge visited his classroom in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix , Flitwick "treated her like a guest," according to Fred Weasley, and "didn't seem to bother him at all." Of course, Flitwick's fair playing field policy in the classroom didn't stop him from standing up to Umbridge in the end, but when it came to academics he maintained fairness for the benefit of the students.
When Professor Slughorn Praised Witches and Wizards Equally In The "Slug Club"
The "slug club," Professor Slughorn's elite group for talented witches and wizards, is pretty equal in its male/female ratio. Slughorn may have no spine when it comes to standing up to dark wizards, but he has a knack for spotting talent, and he can appreciate skill regardless of gender. In Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince , he even praises Lily Potter in particular for her skill at charms.
When Professor Sprout Advocates For Education For All
Professor Sprout says in Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince that she feels "if a single pupil wants to come, then the school ought to remain open for that pupil." As head of Hufflepuff house, she constantly practices fairness and equality in her teaching. In her career, Sprout also demonstrates the importance of stepping up when one's skills are required, regardless of gender: she heals people with mandrakes, and isn't squeamish about getting her hands dirty with a little Bubotuber pus.
When Remus Lupin Recognizes Hermione's Talent
In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban , Lupin calls Hermione the "brightest witch of her age." Certainly, he is one of the best Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers, as he consistently gives each student an equal chance to learn. He has the same requirements for each student, regardless of gender, and since he's been the victim of unwarranted judgment because of his status as a werewolf, he makes a particular effort not to judge others based on factors beyond their control.
When Madam Hooch Teaches Ginny To Fly
Madam Hooch is an expert in treating students equally, as she's the Quidditch referee. She always advocates fair play, but she also supports fellow female players: in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Madam Hooch gives Ginny Weasley flying lessons... and Ginny goes on to become a pro Quidditch player, according to Rowling.
When Professor Grubbly-Plank Stays True To Herself
Professor Grubbly-Plank is the Care of Magical Creatures substitute when Hagrid is unable to teach in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Despite the fact that Umbridge is lurking around the school, trying to fire anyone who looks at her the wrong way, Grubbly-Plank does her own thing. She smokes a pipe, openly says that she approves of Dumbledore, and goes on teaching lessons without letting Umbridge faze her. When Grubbly-Plank teaches a lesson on unicorns, she instructs the boys to "keep back," as "they prefer the woman's touch, unicorns." She always respects the creatures in her lessons, making sure the students receive the best instruction possible, without caring about Umbridge's approval. To Hagrid's credit, he doesn't bash Grubbly-Plank, even though he's worried that she'll usurp his job. And to Grubbly-Plank's credit, she doesn't try to steal the job — she just does her thing.
When The Sorting Hat Divided Students Based On Merit
Ok, so the Sorting Hat isn't exactly a teacher, but it's an integral part of Hogwarts all the same. And the Sorting Hat doesn't care at all about gender when placing students into different houses. There are both witches and wizards in all four houses — a pretty equal mixture, it seems — and even though the students have their own opinions regarding the houses, the Hat itself stays pretty unbiased, even singing about the need for all the houses to unite in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.
When Professor McGonagall Took Charge
Professor McGonagall is an all-around awesome, independent woman. She is a member of the Order of the Phoenix, a Quidditch superfan, and even kept her maiden name when she got married, according to J.K. Rowling. Even though she's independent, however, she supports her fellow professors: she and Sprout are always on good terms, and despite the fact that McGonagall dislikes Trelawney, she stands up for the divination professor when Umbridge tries to kick her out. Plus, she consistently encourages and supports both male and female students, especially those in her house, Gryffindor. Ultimately, at the Battle of Hogwarts, McGonagall takes charge and proves that she's a strong and capable leader.
When Professor Dumbledore Insisted On Equality At Every Opportunity
There's a reason Professor Dumbledore is the headmaster. He's all about fairness, and under this policy, Hogwarts flourishes. He appoints two wizards and two witches as Hogwarts Heads of Houses, insists on the equal treatment of all, and it's said in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows that "he could find something to value in anyone."
500 points to everybody.
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