The Best #3WordFashionAdvice Tweets

Last night's episode of @Midnight featured one of its most fun #HashtagWars yet: The prompt was #3WordFashionAdvice, and all of the answers were pretty much gold. Inspired by the terrifying (and true) story of an Australian woman who sustained serious nerve damage from her skinny jeans (yeah, so avoid your skinniest skinnies if you ever have to squat for prolonged periods of time), host Chris Hardwich asked the comedian guests of the evening (Carmen Esposito, Todd Barry, and Hampton Yount) to do their parts to help "prevent further fashion trauma," by supplying the world with their #3WordFashionAdvice.
The competitors took the prompt and ran with it — answers ran the gamut from plausible ("Full body Spanx") to questionable ("Tuxedo with crocs") to flat-out disgusting ("Grandma's pubic sweater"). Of course, the hashtag quickly caught on like wildfire, as @Midnight fans the world over weighed in with their own truncated aphorisms. As with the comedian guests' repartee, the advice covered a lot of ground, from helpful, to snobby, from disrespectful (yeah, there were an unfortunate amount of slut-shame-y tweets out there), to empowering, from head-scratching, to hilarious. So, with that in mind, let's take a look at some of the best tweets of the day (don't worry, I sorted out all of the really yicky ones).
1. Some were incomprehensible...
I don't know if I want to know what a "backwards dart thong" is.
2 - 5. Many detailed the benefits of dressing in black...
Solid advice, but I'm not so sure Bill the Butcher is really who we should be turning to for sartorial tips.
6. Some were enlightening...
Who knew such a thing existed?? Call Kit Harington and Harry Styles, and let them know the good news!
7. Some referenced Friends...
Could I be wearing any more clothes?
8. ... And The Incredibles...
Seriously, if you ever take fashion advice from anybody, it should be Edna Mode.
9. ... And Star Trek...
Yeah, if you know what's good for you, avoid red shirts at all costs.
10. ... And Seinfeld...
11. ... And Game of Thrones...
We all know Joffrey's word is law.
12. Some hated on overdone trends...
13. Some were legitimately terrifying...
Buffalo Bill? Is that you?
14. Some were incendiary...
Ooh, gauntlet thrown.
15-16. (Seriously, people really hate leggings)
It's a debate as well known as the chicken and the egg: Are leggings pants? Well, according to #3WordFashionAdvice, the answer is a resounding NO.
17. Some were surprisingly sage...
I think we've all learned this one the hard way.
18. Some were a little disturbing...
Sure makes you glad you're not living in the Tudor era, eh?
19. Some upended old fashion rules...
Socks and sandals have long been considered a major fashion faux pas, but @TokyoFashion might have the right idea here.
20. Some were flat-out FAB...
21. And last, but not least, some were just plain true:
Go forth, be merry, and TREAT YO SELF.
Oh, and use caution when wearing skinny jeans.
Image: Friends/Warner Brothers