
Ben Z. Has To Be 'The Bachelor'

by Sara Steinfeld

It's really getting down to the wire on The Bachelorette. All of the great guys are the only ones left, so now's the time that some of the best men get sent home for seemingly no reason whatsoever. I mean, that's definitely what happened with Ben Z., right? Sure, Kaitlyn explained her reasons for sending Ben Z. home very well in her People magazine blog, but I can't help but feel a little bit sad to see him go. However, every cloud has a silver lining, and this cloud's particular lining is this: Ben Z. is now officially in the running to be the next Bachelor, and I'm all for it.

If I'm being completely honest, I don't really know how the producers select their next Bachelor. I'm assuming it's some mystical combination of whether or not the guy they want is a fan favorite, whether or not they can take a few months out of their lives to be on television, and the types of girls they find during their casting process. But, really, I have no idea. All I know is that Ben Z. would make the most amazing Bachelor for so many reasons. In fact, here are nine of them:

1. He's A Total Teddy Bear

He's so cute and cuddly and I just want to hug him all day long! And, since I won't actually ever be a contestant on The Bachelor, I can live vicariously through the ladies who get to hug him all day long!

2. He's Ready For Love

He's openly stated so many times during his time with Kaitlyn that he's ready to open up and be in love, and that's huge for someone to admit. It's also a key ingredient in making a great Bachelor. Coincidence? I think not.

3. He's Not A Complete Jerk, Like Some People

Cough, Juan Pablo, cough.

4. He Left The Bachelorette On Good Terms

Even though he was clearly upset that Kaitlyn sent him home, he didn't show any ill will toward her. It says a lot about his character that he was able to accept her decision and wish her the best even though it made him unhappy and wasn't what he wanted. It also shows that he'd be able to dole out similar amounts of rejection with a certain amount of grace that isn't always seen in a lot of ex-Bachelors.

5. He Doesn't Have Kids (But Still Loves Them)

This may be because I'm twenty-two years old and am just not looking for a man with kids just yet, but I always find it odd when the Bachelor or Bachelorette has kids. It's not so much the fact that they have kids that irks me, it's that they're willing to leave their child behind for weeks or months at a time to date a bunch of people. IMO, spending time with your kids is more important than a TV show. But, that's why I'm not on The Bachelor/ette.

6. He Has His Own Business

Yay for men with real jobs!

7. He Looks Fondly At His Time In The Bachelorette Mansion

Maybe he's priming himself for 'lil repeat scenario?

8. We Could Have So Many Shirtless, Fitness-Based Dates

He's a personal trainer and also has biceps that are bigger than my thighs and I'm so into it it's insane.

9. Chris Harrison Wants You To Pay Attention To Him

Before The Bachelorette started, Chris Harrison told Yahoo! in an interview that Ben was one to watch. Just look at what he said:

“Ben is our buff bachelor. He is this season’s Cody. He has this unbelievable body, which he shows off often. One of his big stories is the untimely death of his mom and how it affected him and how much that has made him ready to devote himself to a loving wife. That’s a story you will see play out throughout the show. He is a sweet, good man who has a big heart. I guess he was a big guy, upwards of 300 pounds, and after his mom’s death shook him up, he got his life and health in order. He has such a good perspective on life and I think audiences will fall in love with him.”

If this isn't a ringing endorsement from The Bachelor's very own love guru, then I don't know what is.

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Images: Clodagh Kilcoyne/ABC; Giphy (3)