Unfortunately for fans of Pixar's cathartic and beautiful feature Inside Out , the movie can't stay in theaters forever. And that's a double whammy for those who came to the movies to see Mindy Kaling, Amy Poehler and company portray human emotions and ended up falling in love with a sweet, lonely volcano longing for companionship, too. The Lava short before Inside Out is everything audiences expect from a Pixar production: deeply emotional, surprising, and with a tendency to stay with you for a long, long time. I bet that you haven't been able to stop singing "Lava" since the first time you heard it. And soon, that itch won't be able to be scratched by just buying another ticket to Inside Out. So, where can you listen to "Lava" on repeat until your true love comes along?
The song is available to download on iTunes and Amazon right now, both for $1.29. That's right: for less than than your morning iced coffee or one load of laundry, the volcano song of love(a) can be yours forever. Just be warned: if you were hoping to get the "Lava" song out of your head at some point in the next few years, you can kiss any possibility of that goodbye. It's totally worth it, though.
Because, clearly, "Lava" is the best. The song was written by James Ford Murphy, who has been an animator with the Pixar collective dating way back to A Bug's Life, and who also directed the short. The lovelorn volcano's part is performed by Kuana Torres Kahele, an award-winning Hawaiian musician and cultural educator. His underwater soulmate is given voice by Napua Greig, also a critically acclaimed Hawaii native. The downloadable version of the song "Lava" is over five minutes long, meaning that you can close your eyes and basically relive the entire short as you listen to the lovelorn volcanoes.
If you can be satisfied with just streaming, though, then you can listen to the full track right now, courtesy of Disney's Vevo page. Make sure to have tissues at the ready.
Isn't it just like Pixar to emotionally compromise millions of people with a song about two naturally occurring ruptures in the crust of the earth? It's not unusual for the studio; Thanks to movies like Toy Story and Cars, I immediately assume that all inanimate objects have feelings, and I now apologize to my TV remote after I drop it. There should be a name for this disorder. Pixaritis? Pixosis? We'll work on it.
Still, I wouldn't trade my sanity for the charm and sweetness that Pixar features and shorts have brought to movie screens over the years. And with tracks like "Lava" available for download, those feelings become portable and easily accessible. So, what are you waiting for? Your music library is crying out for some "Lava."
Image: Walt Disney Studios