Your Fave '90s Store Is Coming To A Mall Near You

Hold on to your scrunchies, because one of your favorite tween stores is making a comeback. According to Racked, Limited Too merchandise is coming to department stores in fall of 2016, and there are plans to start the stores back up as well. The early '00s it-chain brought all the best fashion trends to many middle-school years, and it looks like tiny fashionistas will once again be able to bask in its colorful glory.
According to The New York Post, Bluestar Alliance bought the company from the previous owner, and co-owner Ralph Gindi has plans to "bring it all back." I can already hear born-in-the-'90s ladies shrieking in excitement. The company plans to build 200 stores in the next five years, and I can only hope that sparkly training bras and the ~*cOoLeSt*~ accessories will once again be a reality.
Every Limited Too store was converted into Justice, a popular kids brand, in 2008. But as every style star who grew up with the label knows, nothing can compete with the original fashion finds that came from Limited Too. Although it may be too late for me, I can sit back with satisfaction knowing that future generations will once again be able to shop at my favorite childhood mall store.
The trends be different this time around, but there are a handful of early late '90s / early '00s looks that still work today. Even if some of the Limited Too staples are a little outdated, I'm hoping that the store will humor Millennials everywhere by bringing back our childhood favorites.
1. Link bracelets
If I told you I didn't have one of these, I'd be lying. How else could a girl show off her quirky personality while still managing to be completely on-point?
2. Blow-up furniture
Limited Too always had the newest thing, and nothing was cooler than blow-up furniture. I'm willing to bet some 20-somethings still own a piece or two. No shame.
3. Sparkly bras
Shout-out to the store that made all once-awkward women feel like they were moving up in the world. Limited Too was where pretty much every trendy fashionista started out with their very own training bras.
4. Graphic tees
This store had the ultimate graphic tees. From "Princess" to "Sporty Spice," these shirts catered each and every personality type.
5. Hair and makeup gadgets
Limited Too carried just about every unique beauty gadget that you could dream up. From sparkly hair dryers to fabulous makeup palettes, the store had all the products to make your preteen life easier.
It's good to have you back, Limited Too!
Image: Racked; Twitter