Even though we live in a world where we can keep up with the Kardashians via Twitter, Instagram, and the Internet, a window into their lives via the TV show Keeping Up with the Kardashians is mandatory for any fan. Since the most recent season of KUWTK went on hiatus, a lot has happened for one of the countries most watched families. Caitlyn Jenner has become more public about her transition, Kim Kardashian has been going through a “feisty" — and amazingly fun — pregnancy, and Scott and Kourtney (the couple we all rooted for, admit it) broke up after almost 10 years together. At this point, waiting for the show to return is torture. What are they thinking? What are they talking about? What salads are they eating? I have so many questions.
Dealing with a Kardashian hiatus isn’t easy. There is a set of stages a fan goes through that proves similar to the stages of grief. This wait has put many a fan on an emotional roller coaster, especially because we know there are many amazing things to come for the remainder of the season. For those that find themselves extremely invested in the Kardashians life, you can probably identify with the following stages of waiting for Keeping Up with the Kardashians to return.
1. Excitement
The season ends and you catch the preview for the remainder of the season. BIBLE, it looks amaze. You can’t wait.
2. Sadness
Then it hits you. It’s over. It’s over for months. Three long months where you have nothing but reruns and the sweltering heat outside. Emptiness.
3. Greed
After the sadness subsides, you just want it to be back. You don’t care what you need to do to get it. You’ll write Ryan Seacrest letter after letter if it means you can get the season to air early. You can make a difference, you have that power. You want it and you want it now.
4. Confusion
You know everything that’s going on with them because you are keeping up with them IRL. But it’s not the same. You’re heart is torn. Are you happy you have a look into their daily lives through their social media, or are you sad because you only have a limited view of it?
5. Anger
Scott and Kourtney broke up. This is not a drill. AND YOU’RE TELLING ME I HAVE TO WAIT TO SEE HOW SHE IS HANDLING IT?
6. Bargaining
E! We’ll give you Hollywood Cycle for Keeping Up with the Kardashians. Really, take it! Please.
7. Acceptance
This stage comes not because you actually accept that you have to wait, but because you’ve spent the last three months going through Stages 1-6 that you’ve actually made it to the premiere of the season.
Images: Timothy White/E!; Giphy (7)