
10 Astrology Books To Keep On Your Bookshelf

These titles will help both newcomers and astrology buffs learn more about the stars.

by K.W. Colyard
'Star Power,' 'Astrology for Real Life,' 'The Complete Guide to Astrology,' and 'Post-Colonial Astro...

You’ve seen the memes — you know the ones (Can somebody with bangs tell me which planet is making me sad, please?). You’ve heard about Mercury being in Gatorade, but you’re not sure what that means, and you don’t know why people keep asking for your Big Three, either. If you want in on the starry-eyed action — or maybe just level-up your knowledge of the signs and houses — quality astrology books can help you find your footing.

First thing’s first: a quick primer, for the uninitiated. Your Big Three are your sun, moon, and rising (or ascendant) signs. These signs are determined by your natal chart, which records the positions of the sun, moon, and planets at the moment of your birth.

Whichever zodiac constellation the sun was sitting in at the time you were born? That’s your sun sign, the one you use to look up your horoscope. This sign determines your identity, outlook, and what you value most in life. The moon, meanwhile, moves through the constellations more rapidly than the sun, traveling through all 12 once or twice a month, and wherever it landed when you were born is your moon sign — the indicator of your emotional self. Finally, your rising sign is determined by which constellation sat on the eastern horizon when you were born. Whatever your rising sign is, that’s how you wish to be perceived by others.

And that’s just the beginning. Want to know more? Below, check out the 10 best astrology books to read now.

We only include products that have been independently selected by Bustle's editorial team. However, we may receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.


Astrology for Real Life

If you want to get into astrology, but anything deeper than looking up your horoscope feels way too complicated, Theresa Reed’s Astrology for Real Life is perfect for you. Here, you’ll find a step-by-step approach to understanding your natal chart, what each celestial body controls, and how to put the pieces together.


The Complete Guide to Astrology

If you’ve had a hard time getting into astrology in the past because of horoscope writers’ strict adherence to the gender binary, pick up Louise Edington’s The Complete Guide to Astrology, which takes a much more inclusive approach to the subject.


Astrology for Happiness and Success

The pandemic has made self-care more important than ever, but looking out for yourself is easier said than done. This astrologically-inclined self-help book is chock full of ideas for how to connect with yourself and others — and you don’t have to be well-versed in astrology to use it.


Astrology for Real Relationships

Another self-help book for astrology fans, Jessica Lanyadoo and T. Greenaway’s Astrology for Real Relationships teaches readers how use astrological insights to improve themselves and their relationships.


Postcolonial Astrology

Everyone’s heard about the witches who hex problematic men — and many have wished that they could do the same. Alice Sparkly Kat’s Postcolonial Astrology champions the power of magic and the stars to change the world, while also delving into the political history of these practices.


Star Power

Another beginner’s guide to astrology, Vanessa Montgomery’s Star Power teaches readers how to analyze their friends’ natal charts and apply their astrological learnings to every aspect of their lives.


Astrology for Yourself

If you want to start drawing up your own natal charts and diving deeper into your cosmic identity, Douglas Block and Demetra George’s Astrology for Yourself is the best place to start.


Madame Clairevoyant’s Guide to the Stars

From The Cut astrologer Claire Comstock-Gay comes Madame Clairevoyant’s Guide to the Stars: an ultra-accessible book that analyzes each sign by looking at its most archetypal celebrities.


The Astrology of Love and Sex

Have you ever lost a date because of your sign, or had friends warn you away from a prospective partner (*cough* Scorpio *cough*) but didn’t understand what it all meant at the time? If so, you need to pick up The Astrology of Love and Sex, which will teach you all about compatibility — and lack thereof — between the signs.


Cat Astrology

Finally, there’s Cat Astrology: the book that helps you decipher your favorite feline’s horoscope. (Whether you choose to let your four-legged friend in on this information is up to you.) Stella Andromeda’s fun little book for pet parents also comes in a dog version.