
Why Partner Track Is Likely Headed For A Season 2 Renewal

Netflix is in “early conversations” with the series creator.

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Alexandra Turshen as Rachel Friedman, Arden Cho as Ingrid Yun, Bradley Gibson as Tyler Robinson in e...
Vanessa Clifton/Netflix

Based on Helen Wan’s 2013 novel, Netflix’s Partner Track centers on Ingrid Yun, a first-generation Korean American facing the uphill battle of succeeding at an elite New York City law firm. Amid the legal drama, cutthroat office politics, and friendships, there’s also a rom-com element, as Ingrid attempts to reconcile her ambition to break through the glass ceiling to become a partner at the firm with her desire also to pursue her romantic interests.

Though Netflix has yet to renew Partner Track, the inaugural season ended with a major cliffhanger that sets up a potential Season 2. Netflix’s drama head Jinny Howe hinted that another installment could be on the way. “We are really excited. We have early thoughts about what Season 2 might be; I know that our creator Georgia Lee has a very strong perspective on what Season 2 would be,” she told Deadline in an interview published on Aug. 23. “So yes, we are [in] early conversations considering how excited we are about how Season 1 turned out.”

As you await an official announcement, here’s everything to know about a likely Partner Track Season 2.

Partner Track Season 2 Cast

While it’s unclear who might return for another installment, the main Season 1 cast includes Arden Cho (Indrid Yung), Bradley Gibson (Tyler Robinson), Alexandra Turshen (Rachel Friedman), Rob Heaps (Nick Laren), Matthew Rauch (Marty Adler), Nolan Gerard Funk (Dan Fallon), Dominic Sherwood (Jeff Murphy), and Roby Attal (Justin).

Describing what’s special about her character to The Hollywood Reporter, Cho said, “She’s not the typical shy, submissive Asian girl that people might expect. She’s quite bold. I think a lot of women in these cutthroat [corporate] worlds try to hide their feminine sides to earn respect, but if Ingrid wants to wear pink, she’ll wear pink.”

Vanessa Clifton/Netflix

Partner Track Season 2 Plot

Spoilers ahead for Partner Track Season 1. Following an ongoing will-they-or-won’t-they, Ingrid and Jeff end up together. After eventually losing out on the opportunity to become partner, the Season 1 finale ends with Ingrid finding out that Jeff is the one who betrayed her and kept her from getting the job. Given the cliffhanger, Season 2 could pick up the aftermath of that heartbreaking discovery.

Meanwhile, Partner Track will also likely continue tackling topics of diversity and inclusion in the workplace, which Lee experienced firsthand, according to Howe. “I think a lot of this is drawn from a very personal place, from Georgia’s experience in these white-shoe firms,” she explained in her Deadline interview. “There has been a tremendous amount of conversation about what is the right way to represent these issues in the world of our show because it is a balance — there’s a lot of fun, there’s a lot of aspiration and romance — but what makes it feel like a show you haven’t seen before because we’re telling it through the lens of Ingrid Yun.”

Partner Track Season 2 Premiere Date

Because Netflix has yet to give a second season the green light, a premiere date announcement is also unknown. However, filming for Season 1 took place between September 2021 and wrapped up in February 2022. If production follows a similar schedule, fans can expect Season 2 to premiere sometime around August 2023.

This post will be updated as more Partner Track Season 2 details become available.

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