
Your Bank Account This Week, According To A Tarot Reader

Expect the unexpected.

by Nina Kahn
A Tarot Reading About Money: Week Of February 10 — 16, 2025

This week kicks off with a powerful full moon that’s peaking right alongside Mars retrograde, giving you the emotional stamina and resolve to make a breakthrough on any brewing ambitions you’ve been struggling to move forward on since the holidays, whether in finance or career. This is also the last week of Capricorn season, so take advantage of this industrious and business-minded cosmic energy and channel the sea goat’s natural sense of discipline as you work toward your goals.

This week’s money tarot reading indicates some unexpected shake-ups, but it’ll also give you plenty of strength and confidence to take charge of any situation. Allow these cards to guide you as you navigate your professional and financial life throughout the week ahead.

Card 1: What do you need to know about your finances this week?

If it feels like everything is crashing down around you right now, just know that’s part of the current energetic process — and while things may feel chaotic, you’re probably right on track. The Tower card symbolizes life’s inevitable changes and shake-ups, so it’s likely that something about your financial situation feels particularly volatile at the moment, or is suddenly undergoing some intense upheaval. This could be an event that alters your income, an investment that’s taken an unexpected turn, or a surprise expense that’s throwing off your budget.

It’s never pleasant to feel like your fiscal life is unstable, but the thing about the Tower is that it only crumbles what was already built on unsteady ground. Think of this period as simply speeding up the inevitable and making space for new financial endeavors — ones that have staying power and are built to last.

Card 2: How can you feel less anxious about money?

The Six Of Pentacles is all about the cyclical power of giving and receiving, and it’s especially applicable when it comes to finances and material wealth. So if you’re feeling anxious about money this week, trust that the give-and-take nature of abundance will likely come through for you. This card depicts someone holding a balancing scale and sharing their resources with those who appear less fortunate, symbolizing a need for equity. With that energy present, you may find that others are more generous with you this week if you’re in need. Open your heart to receiving these blessings.

While the kindness of others may relieve some of your money stresses at the moment, the Six Of Pentacles is also a gentle reminder to focus on building up your financial independence in the future to avoid long-term anxieties. The universe’s gifts have an auspicious way of providing, but it’s also important that you find yourself in a position to give. Relying on others for stability isn’t always a sure-fire plan.

Card 3: What will impact your career this week?

Having a Tower moment in your financial life can feel super destabilizing and stressful — and that makes it all the more important to take the reins in your career and grab your professional trajectory by the horns. The Knight Of Swords is one of the most assertive and single-minded archetypes of the Tarot, moving with swiftness and sure-footedness toward their every goal. And its presence in this week’s spread gives you the green light to charge ahead on your work projects and plans, too.

If career opportunities present themselves this week or million-dollar ideas happen to strike, don’t wait until the so-called “perfect” moment to take charge. It’s important to strike while the iron is hot and while your inspiration is still fresh. Even if certain things feel shaky, you have the power to make moves and act on whatever needs to get done to ensure your success.

Nina Kahn is Bustle’s resident astrologer and tarot reader.