
Your Bank Account This Week, According To A Tarot Reader

The world is at your fingertips.

by Nina Kahn
A Tarot Reading About Money: Week Of March 3 – March 9, 2025

Logistics planet Mercury zoomed into open-minded and free-spirited Sagittarius over the weekend, prompting you to think bigger and broader about your aspirations, both financial and professional. Don’t limit yourself — you’ve got the world at your fingertips.

However, a major theme throughout this week’s money tarot reading is that everyone needs a helping hand sometimes, and there’s no shame in that. Be willing to accept help from others and don’t be afraid to ask for assistance when needed. You can return the favor when you’re in a position to give. No one should have to fight their battles alone.

Read on to get some insight from the tarot about matters of work and money in the week ahead.

Card 1: What do you need to know about your finances this week?

There’s a heavy load on your shoulders right now, whether that’s a result of taking on a lot of debt or having way too many responsibilities at work. The Ten Of Wands depicts someone struggling to carry an armful of wands — but thankfully, a city full of helpful people lies closely ahead. When this card shows up, it’s usually a sign you’re carrying more than you can comfortably handle. And while you might feel like there’s no end in sight or that you have to manage it yourself, it is possible to lighten your load, and help is available if you’re willing to ask for it.

If the burden you’re feeling is directly related to your financial situation, this card is your sign that it’s time to start seeking solutions and assistance from others. There are ways to solve whatever problems you’re facing, but trying to handle it alone will only make you feel more crushed by the weight. If it’s your job weighing you down, the Ten Of Wands indicates that you should consider delegating some of your tasks to others to make your workload more manageable. As it stands right now, there’s simply too much on your plate, and you’ll end up burning out completely if you try to keep things the way they are now.

Card 2: How can you feel less anxious about money?

Money is called currency for a reason — because its nature is to move and flow. And the give-and-receive energy of the Six Of Pentacles reminds you that cash always comes and goes, and all energy balances itself out. If you’re in a comfortable position financially but still feeling anxious or stuck in a scarcity mentality, practice letting go of the idea that you should hold on so tight to your security. You can give as freely as you can receive, and your kindness will return to you in spades.

On the other hand, if you’re in a place of lack and struggling with your expenses, this card can be a sweet indicator that helping hands are nearby and someone will throw you a bone that can get you out of a tough spot. You’ve got more support than you think and there’s lots of generosity coming your way, so be willing to accept favors graciously and celebrate the universe’s desire to provide for you. And once you find yourself in a better place, don’t forget how important it is to help others in their times of need, too. Generosity works both ways.

Card 3: What will impact your career this week?

Sometimes it might feel like you must suppress your inner child and their instincts to succeed in professional settings. But with the sweet and gentle presence of the Six Of Cups here, letting your youthful sense of playfulness, idealism, and innocence lead the way this week can benefit your career. Allow yourself to be guided by nostalgia as you do creative work, and draw on your happy memories to help you generate some fresh ideas. The past can be a great source of inspiration for the future, and right now, there’s no need to reinvent the wheel. Check yourself to ensure you’re not mentally confined by what you’ve been conditioned to think is the “right” way to do things. Trust your inner child instincts.

The sweet and lighthearted innocence of the Six Of Cups can also indicate that you’ll have some tender and wholesome connections at work and that your professional relationships will have a loving and caring tone. Sure, your coworkers aren’t your family, but that doesn’t mean you don’t think about each other’s feelings when interacting or making decisions.

Nina Kahn is Bustle’s resident astrologer and tarot reader.