11 Personality Tests That See Into Your Soul That AREN’T Myers-Briggs

Like most girls who came of age in the '90s, I love a good personality quiz. I mean come on who didn't take every Cosmo quiz ever back in the day? While these tests are fun and mostly not all that serious, you'd be surprised, as I was when I took one recently to see just how much you've changed emotionally. Of course when it comes to personality tests, nothing comes close to the original mac-daddy of all personality tests: the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.
Conceived by Katherine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers in the '40s, The MBTI personality test philosophy is strongly rooted in the theory of Swiss psychoanalyst and psychiatrist Carl Jung. Jung believed there are four principal ways we as human beings see and experience the world and those around us psychologically, and that of those principals were split between two options: introvert/extrovert, intuitive/sensory, thinking/feeling, and judging/perceiving. Briggs and Myers took those metrics and ultimately developed their own test.
Today, millions of people around the world have used MBTI to help them decipher their own personality traits. If you love this test (I know I do), then you know what I mean when I say that you always feel a little bit of disappointment when you finish the test and determine your MBTI type. Like, that's it — you know your type, and there are no more questions to answer. Well, don't worry: You'll be happy to know that there are dozens, if not hundreds, of personality tests to choose from that are similar to the Myers-Briggs test, but aren't the Myers-Briggs test, floating around the internet, and they should keep you occupied for a long while. Enjoy! Don't forget: Honesty is key.
Big Five Personality Test
The Big Five Personality Test is developed by of Psychology Today, and if taken seriously, it "should really get you thinking about what it means to be you!" The test has a series of questions ranging from how you handle stress to whether or not your break promises to how much you procrastinate at work.
Extroversion Introversion Test
The extrovert/introvert test is another one of the core Myers-Briggs principal theories. This test asks things like, "Are you oriented more towards the outer world or the inner world?" and "Are you most comfortable in throngs of people, or do you prefer the company of few?" It is designed to evaluate your individual tendency towards the outer world (extroversion) or the inner world (introversion). This one's a bit more in-depth and takes 25 minutes. You can click on the link here to take the extroversion/introversion quiz.
16 Personalities
The 16 Personalities Test is a quick and easy test that you can take in 12 minutes or less. It's more or less the same as the big five, however, after the test is complete, you'll be assigned an acronym. For instance, mine was Campaigner (ENFP-T), and was defined as: "fiercely independent, and much more than stability and security, they crave creativity and freedom." This test was similar to the introvert/extrovert and questions how you function in social settings, how much you procrastinate (a lot) and how often you initiate conversation (often).
VisualDNA — Who Am I Quiz
This Visual DNA — Who Am I quiz is fun and a bit untraditional in the sense that it uses visual cues and photos to determine your personality type. For example, the first question prompts you to pick a one of five photos that speaks to you. The next question asks how you create fun in your life and you can choose from two photos, one captioned "careful planning" and the other "spontaneity." The quiz goes on from there, but it's definitely one of the better tests out there and also the most visually compelling. What's cool about this test, too, is that it actually analyzes your results and explains how your answers affect your general life outlook toward things like work, relationships, etc.
Test Color
A two-step personality test that is entirely color driven, Test Color is the result of "original research conducted and validated" by a team of clinical psychologists, psychoanalysts, and mathematicians. Test color can generate over 50 million different answers, personalized according to every test. All you have to do is pick the colors that you like the best in the first part and then the colors you like the least in the second part. The test will then determine how much of an introvert versus extrovert you are based on your color preferences.
Emotional Intelligence Quiz
Emotional Intelligence is measured in a number of ways, and the Emotional Intelligence quiz, designed by global research and learning company the Institute for Health and Human Potential (IHHP), really puts your to the test with questions like how you handle criticism and how freely you admit to making mistakes.
Goleman's EQ Test
Similar to the Emotional Intelligence quiz above, Goleman's EQ quiz it presents situational stories and asks you to answer how you’d normally respond in that particular circumstance. For instance: You've taken a group of 4-year-old kids to the park, and one of them starts crying because the others won't play with her. What do you do?
Personality Perfect
Personality Perfect is another free personality test is modeled directly off of 16 Personality types that were developed by Isabel Briggs Myers and Katharine Cook Briggs and draws on their theory that sorts people into 16 different categories organized by four pairs of opposite types. In addition to the insights provided by each individual pair, the four-letter type as a whole can provide additional information when the specific combination of types is taken into consideration.
Facial Recognition Quiz
This facial recognition quiz by U.C. Berkeley based Greater Good Magazine, tests your emotional intelligence through facial recognition. The tests asks you to determine the facial expressions ranging from happiness and anger to excitement and embarrassment.
The Enneagram Type Indicator
Brace yourself, this one's kind of a doozy. There are almost 200 questions in all for this quiz, which is described as a "diagnostic tool of one's emotional outlook on life."
My Personality Test
More than 3 million people have taken this free personality test online, 99 percent of whom say their results as extremely accurate. This test focuses on five main personality traits including openness, extraversion, conscientiousness, agreeableness, and neuroticism.