16 Spooky Cute Halloween Things You Can Get At Pier 1 For Under $30
Still waiting for Facebook to offer an "Obsessed With Halloween" option for Relationship Status? Same. Any true fan knows that it's never too early to prepare for the greatest holiday in the history of holidays. And apparently, Pier 1 knows it too. In fact, you can already start shopping for the greatest spooky purchases on the website. We're rounding up 16 Halloween things you can already get at Pier 1, and the best news is the least spooky news of all — it's both cute, and most of the items on this list are less than $20.
I know what you might be thinking: "Meh, I still have my Halloween decorations up from last year," or "IDK, the neighbors already complained about the giant inflatable Jack the Pumpkin King blow-up in my front yard," or "Eventually, I should put money in a savings account."
To that I argue this: these things are temporary. The memory of excellent Halloween decorations is FOREVER.
You deserve better. Halloween deserves better. Whenever you start having doubts, just ask yourself, What would Winifred Sanderson say?
Ready to spend money you don't have on things you don't need but should totally buy anyway, because... Halloween? Here are 16 items available online from Pier 1. You will want every single one of them.
You've been warned.