
The 2 Ways Your Relationship Will Change In 2019, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

by Kristine Fellizar
Ashley Batz/Bustle

Now that 2018 is coming to an end, it's time to look forward to all the wonderful things the new year has in store. If you've been longing for change in the love department, expect something different to come your way. Because as astrologer Lisa Stardust tells Bustle, 2019 is going to be an interesting year for love.

"With Jupiter transiting the sign Sagittarius, Saturn and Pluto wandering through Capricorn, Uranus re-entering Taurus, and the North Node in Cancer, this is a year in which we will all want to work hard for romance and love," Stardust says.

Each year brings us the opportunity to learn and grow. For signs like Aries, Libra, and Pisces, 2019 is all about learning how to balance your relationship with some lucky breaks on the career front. For others, like Cancer and Leo, it's all about learning how to work with your partner in order to overcome the challenges life will throw at you. Then there are the lucky ones like Gemini and Virgo who can expect to have a really good time next year.

The planets are constantly shifting, so regardless of what sign you are, you can expect to see some changes in your love life. Here's how your relationship is going to change in 2019, according to your zodiac sign.

1Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Tina Gong/Bustle

"Dropping the love triangle between work and love will take your relationship to the new heights in 2019," Stardust says. Now, there's nothing wrong with working hard. But if you want to keep your relationship strong and intact this upcoming year, finding a little more balance is key.

That's pretty important to keep in mind throughout the year since Vedic Astrologer, Griffin Damron tells Bustle, "The planet that controls your fifth house of romance changes signs each month." You can expect your relationships to be "particularly expansive and optimistic" when the Sun joins Jupiter in the sign of Sagittarius towards the end of 2019, around November 22 to December 22. "This will be a time when relationships will be blessed with easy expansion, optimism, and wisdom," he says.

2Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

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If you've been feeling like love has been less than stellar for you Taurus, expect to experience some pretty interesting changes next year. According to Stardust, you'll be falling in and out of love all throughout 2019. "Your heart will fall in love at first sight, awakening your romantic sensibilities," she says.

In 2019, Jupiter, the planet of wisdom and optimism, will move through your eighth house, which relates to your partner's assets and family. Because of that, Damron says that you will likely find that your partner is raking in a lot more money this year. "As they prosper, support them in their success and you will likely enjoy it along with them," he says. If you're married, your in-laws will also see similar success.

3Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

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There's good news for you Gemini. Love is about to get new and exciting in the new year. According to Stardust, you'll be more inclined to commit to just one person, "even with the potential drama they'll bring into your life." You love your fair share of drama, so it's sure to keep things interesting.

Other than that, Jupiter is transiting through your seventh house of partnerships. So relationships are going to take on a "pleasant optimism" this year, Damron says. You can even expect your partner to start acting like your guru this year. "[They] will be blessed with a lot of wisdom," he says. "If you're looking for advice or need direction now, turning to your partner can be a great source of philosophical or religious guidance."

4Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

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If you've been experiencing some power struggles in your relationship lately, Stardust says it may persist in 2019. It will make you feel like you need to hold on to your relationship for dear life until you sort through the issues you have, which isn't hard since you are the crab after all. But holding on too tight is never really the answer. Instead, Stardust says, "Use this year to transform how you love, not the relationship. This will allow you to decide who you want to commit to, more easily."

In 2019, you can expect relationships to take work as Saturn, the planet of discipline, responsibility, and delays, will move through your seventh house of partnerships. "For that reason, it’s likely that you will need to be a lot more serious in your approach to relationships," Damron says. There are all kinds of different scenarios that can occur next year. For instance, you may need to work a little harder at making compromises. "There is sure to be some new strain on your relationships that you must take on extra discipline to overcome," Damron says. "However, if you succeed your relationship will be much better off for it by the end of the year."

5Leo (July 23 - August 22)

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The focus of 2019 will be about the relationship you have with yourself and how you love yourself. "This year, the spotlight warms up your heart, boosting your confidence to run towards your heart’s path," Stardust says.

That's really important because according to Damron, your relationship may be "fueled with more problems and disputes this year." Saturn, the planet that controls your seventh house of partnerships will be moving through your sixth house of enemies and conflicts. Because of this, you may find yourself fighting with your partner more than usual. But don't worry just yet. According to Damron, "This energy can be transmuted for the positive if you team up with your partner to solve the issues of others through activities such as volunteering."

6Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

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If you've been experiencing a drought in your love life, next year is going to be your year. "Expect a triangle supreme this year as two suitors head your way, promising you the world," Stardust says. "The question really is, 'who do you choose?'"

If you've already settled on your person, partnerships will be very home-oriented in 2019. "Expect to bond with your partner when you engage in things that make you feel emotionally secure," Damron says. So introducing your partner to the family, taking a trip to your hometown, or making a new home together are all great ways to bond this year.

7Libra (September 23 - October 22)

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In 2019, you're going to have a ton of luck when it comes to your career, which is obviously great. Just don't forget about your partner. "Try to make your love feel just as important as you are by appreciating them more," Stardust says. "Don’t let your new found celeb status at work eclipse your partner’s status in your heart."

Aside from your work, you'll be pretty lucky in other areas of your life as well. "Anything that you love engaging in through your own efforts will be expanded by Jupiter’s positive transit through your third house," Damron says. This could apply to any hobbies and side projects you have. Because of all the good luck you're sure to have, your relationship should follow suit. So try to think of date ideas that surround your own hobbies. "In exploring these with your partner, you will definitely deepen your connection this year," he says.

8Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

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"Love has been a drag for the past year, however, 2019 brings love your way when you least expect it," Stardust says. "Be prepared to meet your new [partner] at the grocery store or bank as you embark on an unpredictable and exciting journey with them this year."

In general, your love life is going to see some positive changes next week. According to Damron, you'll be able to connect with your partner in creative ways while getting to enjoy a sense of security. "It’s a great time for you to introduce your partner to the parents," he says. "Otherwise, enjoying all the nice, material fruits of your prosperity through things like fine food, arts, and culture are the perfect way to come together now."

9Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Tina Gong/Bustle

You're going to be experiencing a lot of positive changes next year, Sag. That's because your ruling planet will be transiting through your sign this year, making you feel strong and confident in yourself. Because of that, Damron says, 2019 is going to be all about you as an individual and your personal growth.

That means, you may find yourself putting your partner and your relationship on the backburner. Although your confidence may be high this year, Stardust says it's also important to remember to cherish your partner. "They have been with you through thick and thin," she says. So always remember to appreciate them and never take them for granted.

10Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

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Similar to Sagittarius, Capricorns will also have their ruling planet, Saturn, transiting through their sign this year. "This will make 2019 all about them as an individual," Damron says. You too will be at your strongest and will put a lot of focus on your self-development.

Once you're able to see the strength in yourself, you'll be better equipped to have the relationship you actually want. The upcoming year will push you to get over your fears and insecurities around relationships, "forcing you to take the plunge toward commitment," Stardust says.

11Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

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In 2019, you may find yourself becoming more introverted throughout the year since your ruling planet moves through your twelfth house of spirituality, isolation, and imagination. "This will cause them to be more involved in their internal world," Damron says. So it's important for you to invite your partner into the "private world of your dreams and imagination," he says. That way, you can get a lot of alone time together and deepen your connection to each other.

If a strong emotional connection is one you're looking to make, this is the year to do it. "You will be creating the dream you manifested years ago with your partner," Stardust says. The best advice she has for you is to follow your heart's wishes this year. "Don't hold back!" she says.

12Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

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Work may be going strong for you in 2019, but that doesn't mean you should put love on the back burner. "Try to make more time for your partner this year, even if that means scheduling them in your busy calendar for romantic dinners," Stardust says.

Since the focus of 2019 is going to be on your career, it's essential for you to work on finding that perfect work-life balance. As Damron suggests, you can even try to find ways for you and your partner to put your talents together. "No matter what you do, focusing on your career together is a great way to bond," he says.

With the planets constantly moving, it seems like everyone can look forward to some kind of change in their relationship, or relationship status, this upcoming year. Even if 2018 was good for you, 2019 is sure to be great.