3 Signs Who Are Going To Have A Better Time Than The Rest Of Us This April
We all have a lot going on with the stars this April, according to AstrologyKing. Aries season will be going strong until the sun shifts into Taurus on April 20. The good news for three special signs is it's a time to shine for you! Certain zodiac signs are going to have a better April than us (hint: the ones who will be turning a new age).
But hold onto your seat belts before and after: Jupiter in Scorpio is forming a sextile with Pluto in Capricorn on April 14. That same day, Mars in Capricorn will also form a sextile with Neptune in Pisces. This four way combo means your intuition will be up and moving, as these planets and signs together mean we're going to be facing a lot of hard work to grow. A day later, the current Mercury in Retrograde that began March 22 will also end and the moon is shifting to Aries. Are you ready?
On top of this, Saturn in Capricorn is going into retrograde on April 17, Pluto is also going into retrograde on April 22, and Venus will move into Gemini on April 24.
Read on to find out if this spells out your lucky time:
It's your season, so you already feel great from the sun being in your first house. Your sign is also naturally ruled by the first house, so you have been feeling yourself, sparking others to go for what they believe in and generally feeling you can act on your impulses. That will only continue into the first part of the month. When the sun goes into Taurus, your energy levels won't die down — you'll just be focusing more on managing the energy of your second house of material possessions and minding your sensory needs.
You also might be in for a great dose of well-needed energy on April 15, when the moon goes into Aries. On April 18, the sun will also conjunct Uranus in your planet, so be prepared to feel some vibes of creativity coming along.
The sun switches into Taurus on April 20, so now your first house is going to feel really great. Before that, you'll have been swimming in your subconscious 12th house for a bit, but what keeps your soul going is the knowledge it will be your time to shine soon. Your birthday's coming up, so you will finally get to feel yourself (as everyone's in the 12th house in the season right before the sun switches to their sign).
Everyone around you is going to be scrambling for their comfort zone — luckily you're the sign that already has its center figured out.
On top of that, the moon will stay in its Taurean position until the 24, so you're going to feel emotional fulfillment really revving you up. The sun and moon in your sign? You lucky bull.
On April 12, you'll feel a sizzling connection as Venus in Taurus forms a sextile with Neptune in Pisces, and your intuition will gravitate toward the lovely finer things in life.
You've been philosophically musing as a sign with 9th house energy flowing. Soon, the sun will light up your 10th house starting in Taurus season and make you pack a powerful roar when it comes to social status.
Venus moving into Gemini on April 24 also means your 11th house of friendships is going to see some activity. The love (as Venus is the planet of love and beauty) will be flowing gently. You're going to feel a great sense of relief when you feel compelled to be more appreciative of who's around you and stuck by you through it all.
The full moon in Scorpio on the last day of April means you're going to feel at your most connected — energy from the moon, which rules emotions, will be flowing through your fourth house of the home and comforts. Try to relish in that, because you deserve a break from trying to keep the world together!