4 Zodiac Signs Most Likely To Get Married In 2020

Not only is Jan. 1, 2020 the start of a new year, it's the start of a new decade. Some might even start the decade off by making a lifelong commitment. If you have love on the brain, 2020 is going to be a really good year for marriage and commitment. According to astrologers, there are four lucky signs that are most likely to get married in the new year.
"Marriage is definitely on the table for many this year," celebrity astrologer Kristin West, tells Bustle. "We ring in the New Year on a Wednesday, which is ruled by Mercury. Since Mercury rules communication and contracts, there’s a strong impulse to make it legal."
Before that, there will be a solar eclipse on Dec. 26, with both the sun and Venus and Capricorn. According to West, this is going to be a "hot eclipse" for power couples, especially for those with a Sun or Venus in Capricorn. If you have a Sun or Venus in Taurus or Virgo, you'll benefit from this energy as well, as earthy Capricorn is all about making serious long-term plans.
"Earth signs should pay close attention to how they’re feeling during the Dec. 26 eclipse," West says. "You’ll see your wishes and intentions manifest about six months later. So make a wish for love, Earth signs, and you may hear midsummer wedding bells."
But Earth signs won't be the only ones lucky in love. According to West, Air signs (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius) will also benefit from the Jan. 10 lunar eclipse. If you have a Sun, Moon or Venus in an Air sign, you’ll be blessed with "the magic words" you'll need to pop the question this year. A relationship that starts earlier on in the year can be expected to intensify around the summer months.
Later on in the year, Water signs will have their shot at lasting love. According to West, December 2020's solar eclipse will occur in Scorpio. so those who have a Sun or Venus in Scoprio or other Water signs, will likely attract someone you never expect. You might even start thinking about marriage for 2021.
Clearly, there are a lot of exciting things ahead. Here are the zodiac signs most likely to get married in 2020, according to astrologers.
1Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
In 2020, Taurus will have unpredictable Uranus transiting its sign. As astrologer Amy Tripp, tells Bustle, "This can bring sudden changes and surprises that will shake up your life and accelerate you forward." When Uranus is in your Sun, it's common to see major life changes such as marriage.
Not only will Uranus in Taurus bring change, it might even bring quick and sudden change. According to West, there's a chance that Taurus could meet someone new early on in the year, develop a crush, and then have it turn into something serious within six months. Considering you're more comfortable going into relationships very slowly, that's a huge deal.
2Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Like your fellow Earth signs, you're likely to settle down in 2020 due to your practical, steady, and earthy nature. "With Saturn and Pluto locked together in Capricorn, both Taurus and Virgo will be receiving support from these two heavy-weights," Tripp says. This energy can cement a relationship, especially one that's been slowly building. Saturn brings structure and commitment, while Pluto brings passion and deep transformation. When you get these two together, it can provide a lot of support to new and existing relationships.
3Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
In the new year, Scorpio will be receiving support from Saturn, the planet of structure, and its co-ruler, Pluto, which is the planet of transformation. According to Tripp, this will allow Scorpios to undergo a total transformation of their identities. For instance, if you've been single for so long and you've given up on finding that right partner for you, 2020 could take you by surprise. Scorpios will also be dealing with Uranus in the new year, so meeting new and exciting people might be just what you need to change your perspective on love. "Scorpio may seek marriage from a tried and true partner or seek out something more exciting with someone different," Tripp says.
4Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
As the true romantic of the zodiac, 2020 is sure to be a memorable year for you. According to Tripp, Pisces is most likely to get married in the new year due to the support from Saturn and Pluto. So the effect these planets have on Scorpio will be similar for you. In 2020, the transit of Neptune will also increase your chances of getting married as the "urge to merge" with a partner will be strong. Just be sure to take your time and make sure you're building a healthy partnership. Under this transit, there's a chance that codependency can be an issue.
If finding love and being in a relationship is a priority for you in the new year, there are going to be opportunities for everyone. The planets are constantly moving and bringing new energy with it. These are just some of the signs who can look forward to marriage in the new year.