These 4 Zodiac Signs Will Feel The Effects Of The Summer Solstice The Most

Spring is nearly over, summer is in the air, and Gemini season moving aside to make way for Cancer season. With all these seasonal shifts in the air, you might be able to sense a powerful shift of energy — especially if you're one of the zodiac signs the 2019 summer solstice will affect the most. The longest day of the year means there will be a lot of light. And the light is not just literal. If the solstice is affecting your sign ~the most~ prepare to have emotions and what's under the surface illuminated.
There's spiritual significance with each planetary, lunar and solar transit. For something as grand as a solstice — an event that happens twice a year — you can count on it. The solstice is a time to reflect as we hit a mid year point. Forever Conscious wrote, "as the Sun moves into Cancer, we are being called to get in touch with ourselves and to think about how we wish to channel our energy." You might want to ask yourself how you're spending your energy. Is it fulfilling or is it being wasted?
"As we usher in the cardinal energy of summer and let those summer vibes soar, the longest day of the year has something different for each zodiac sign. Some signs won’t simply be soaking up those extra rays of sun, there will be more life changing events in store," astrologer Maia Orion tells Bustle. Because the summer solstice coincides with the Sun moving into Cancer, the signs mostly affected by the solstice might benefit by following the crab's suit. This could be a particularly wise time to retreat and reflect upon our intuition and emotions. And when you emerge, follow your heart.
The Sun is moving into your sign, and you'll ~feel~ it. Take center stage and leave no emotion behind. Orion tells Bustle, "It’s time to use your emotional depth to get in touch with your unique and wonderful self. It’s also an ideal season to reassess your path while utilizing the energy of your solar return (also known as your birthday). Allow yourself to be flexible and open, Cancer, so you can embrace your future self, making any necessary adjustments or changes that may enable you to live your life to it’s fullest potential, during your next rotation around the sun. It’s your season to shine!"
Home is where the Solstice is, Libra. "This summer solstice may find Libra exploring their aesthetic prowess, in regards to their home. Is your home the sanctuary your seek, Libra? Is it a place where both beauty and equality freely roam? If your needs aren’t being met, what changes need to be made in your living environment to create this healing space to call home? You may even enjoy the process of redecorating, Libra! Breathe new life into your walls, as this summer solstice sees you attending to your creature comforts," Orion explains to Bustle. How can you turn your home into something that inspires you daily?
This Solstice will usher Capricorn out of the office and into the heart of, well, the heart. "This summer solstice sees your romantic life getting turned up a notch. It’s time to deepen your relationships with others, Capricorn! It’s ok to be vulnerable and not always the one in charge. Sometimes you need to rest your head on someone’s shoulder too, and not always be the capable leader that you are. This season allows you to show your more sensitive side while building and deepening your relationships with others," Orion says. Allow yourself to be open as you feel the energy of the seasons change!
If you got your eye on the corner office, this turn of astrological energy will be a boost. "This summer solstice sees you using your wonderfully competitive qualities to bring your career to new heights! Summer may have just begun, but work is what’s on your mind, Aries, and rightly so! This is a power month for your career arena, and this cardinal energy, which you know so well, will help you find the career momentum you’re often after. This summer solstice sees you taking the reigns and shining on the world’s stage," Orion explains. A conference call from the pool isn't the worst way to spend summer Fridays.