
These Five Don Jr. & Eric 'SNL' Skits From 2018 Will Totally Keep You Laughing Into 2019

by Joseph D. Lyons

Some Saturday Night Live characters make repeat appearances. No one forgets about Alec Baldwin's Donald Trump or Kate McKinnon's Hillary Clinton (or her Jeff Sessions, for that matter). But those headliners are not the only characters making regular appearances. These five Don Jr. and Eric Trump SNL skits from 2018 will remind you of other sketch comedy regulars who can easily make you laugh.

Mikey Day plays Donald Jr. and Alex Moffat plays Eric on SNL. In the skits, the president's two older sons are leading the Trump Organization and making hilarious commentary on the Trump presidency.

The shtick relies on Don Jr. being the brains and Eric, well, not being the smartest. In just about every skit, Moffat's Eric plays with some sort of children's toy. He reads kids' books, plays with a puppet, and makes Play-Doh noodles (and then eats them). In another appearance, Eric boasts that he received a ducky badge in kids' swimming. Don Jr. tries to stay on message, and Eric always hilariously blurts out the exact wrong thing.

Eric and Don Jr. don't make most of the headlines about Saturday Night Live, so make sure you haven't missed any of their skits. Catch up on all their appearances in 2018 below.

1) Eric & Don Jr. On Chaos At The White House

The first Don Jr. & Eric skit of 2018 was in March, when they stopped by Weekend Update to talk about the reported chaos in the White House. "I know it’s played out, Colin, but 'fake news!'" Don Jr. told the fake news host.

Don Jr. and Eric also touched on the Stormy Daniels controversy, with Eric sharing a bit more than he should have. The younger brother was also scared of a pop-up book. See the whole skit on the SNL website.

2) Eric & Don Jr. During 'The Sopranos' Opening

The duo's second appearance in 2018 came during the season finale cold opener in May. The "Trump Mueller Cold Open" featured Robert De Niro as Robert Mueller, Kate McKinnon as Rudy Giuliani, Ben Stiller as Michael Cohen, and Alec Baldwin as President Trump.

Don Jr. meets his dad in a restaurant while Eric is "parallel parking" outside. Eric is shown parking a tricycle (with great difficulty). Once all are inside the restaurant, Mueller overhears a lot of incriminating comments — though not from Don Jr. and Eric.

See the full video on SNL's website.

3) Eric & Don Jr. On The Trump Tower Meeting

In that same episode, Don Jr. and Eric were interviewed on Weekend Update about the Trump Tower meeting with a Russian lawyer. "This may sound crazy," Don Jr. told the faux news hosts, "but the dishonest media is being dishonest."

Don Jr. also claimed to have never called to talk to his dad about the meeting, but Eric disagrees. "You said, 'Siri call Dad'" he told Don Jr., which he remembered because he has a "pornographic memory."

See the full skit on SNL's site.

4) Eric & Don Jr. Talk About The Midterms

In their last Weekend Update appearance of the year, in October, Eric and Don Jr. talk about the midterms and how Don Jr. would be traveling the country to support Republicans — and how Eric definitely would not. Eric also kept trying to start telling an offensive joke, which he said his dad tells.

5) Eric & Don Jr. Say Goodbye To Jeff Sessions

In the final appearance of 2018, in November, Don Jr. and Eric go to visit Kate McKinnon's Jeff Sessions as he clears out his office. Sessions shakes his keys and Eric comes in running, followed by Don. Jr.

They "thank" Sessions for his service and say he should have stopped the Mueller investigation. Eric gives him a kid's turkey hand drawing — with the middle finger raised.

There could, of course, be some new skits before the year's end. As the Mueller investigation wraps up, it could provide new material for the two brothers to comment on — be it during Weekend Update or a cold open.