5 Mantras To Motivate You

Sometimes, the strongest inspiration comes from within. If you find yourself in need of a few encouraging words, look no further than these motivating mantras from Tone It Up health and wellness experts Karena and Katrina. Take a deep breath — you've got this!
Everyone has those days when you are not feeling super motivated to work out or you are not at your most confident — yes, even us! On those days, we turn to positive mantras. Reciting one of our favorite affirmations gives us an instant boost of inspiration, whether it’s for a workout, a business meeting, or anything else we need in our day. The more you give yourself little hints of positivity throughout the day, the stronger and happier you will be in every aspect of your life.
These are five of our absolute favorite mantras. We remind ourselves of these principles every day, and especially when we need an extra boost. We like to recite mantras in our morning meditation and during tough workouts. Pro tip: Add one of these quotes to your phone and set it as your screen saver. Every time you open your phone, you’ll get a dose of inspo!
And share your favorite mantras on Instagram to inspire others. You can find an entire support system with our community: @ToneItUp with the hashtag #TIUteam. Talk about motivation!
1. “Share. Love. Inspire. Sweat.”
This is our official Tone It Up slogan and we live by it! It encompasses our core values: health, community, positivity, and love. We constantly come back to this mantra.
2. “The moment you start believing that you can, you will.”
We always want to remind our community to have faith in themselves. Love yourself and take care of yourself, mind, body, and soul, because you deserve it!
3. “At first they'll ask why you're doing it, later they'll ask how you did it.”
When we first started Tone It Up, everyone asked us, “why?” Why would we risk so much on an idea? But we knew in our hearts this was the right path for us and that it would be worth it. Don’t ever feel like you need to explain your dreams. Make them a reality, and then people will ask how you did it!
4. “You'll never regret a workout or healthy choice that you make for yourself.”
All of these choices all day are a form of self respect and self love — and you’ll never regret doing something positive for yourself.
5. “Be the girl who decided to go for it.”
Sometimes what you’re most afraid of is the very thing you need to achieve your dreams. We believe that if you’re not a little bit scared, you’re probably not pushing your dreams to the next level. Be the person who decided to push through that fear and achieve things you never thought possible.