These Couple-y Tyler & Angela Moments Will Warm Every ‘Big Brother’ Fan’s Heart
It only took going on a reality show for two Hilton Head, South Carolina residents to meet... and maybe even start a relationship? Tyler and Angela may have a Big Brother 20 showmance, even though both of them said they didn't want one when they first headed into the game. They may not be as open about their feelings as Haleigh and Fessy are, but there's no denying that Tyler and Angela (or #Tangela, as fans call them) are getting closer every day.
Tyler revealed in his CBS intro video that he was super single, but he wasn't looking to find a girlfriend in the BB house. "If I want to win, no [it's not a good idea]," he said. But he left the door open by saying, "Anything could happen, I guess."
Angela was much more firm in her intro video. "I do not want to do a showmance," she stated. "I think that it is so dangerous to be in a showmance ... if [your partner makes] a mistake, they bring you down with them, and I'm not willing to put my game in another guy's hands and jeopardize my game because of their decisions."
But, everything changes in the Big Brother house and your original strategy tends to go out the window pretty quickly. After a couple of months together, and in the same alliance, Tyler and Angela started getting really close. During her Head of Household run, Angela admitted to the cameras (but not to him) that she has a crush on Tyler. And, since then, there have been hugs, kisses on the cheek, and even a nighttime peck on Angela's neck when Tyler slept next to her.
Still, while they seem solid when they're together, it's hard to know with Tyler. He's friendly and affectionate with everyone in the house, and he's really good at hiding his true feelings. Plus he told J.C. on the live feeds that he's definitely not in a showmance with Angela. "Showmances are f*cking stupid. I knew for a damn fact I wasn't going to get in a showmance," Tyler said.
But, actions speak louder than words, and Tyler may just be trying to throw J.C. off the scent, because Tyler and Angela have been super cute cuddle buddies for a few days now. They even held hands while they slept one night.
Tyler is currently a Have-Not, which means he has to sleep in a special room and can't spend the night in bed with Angela. But even that hasn't kept them apart. Live feeders recently caught Tyler with a late night cuddle for Angela, Have-Not status be damned.
And, for the time that they're away from each other, they traded pillows. Tyler gave Angela his pebble pillow and he took one from her, insisting that her smell is the only way he could sleep in the Have-Not room without her. He also told her that the second he's done being a Have-Not he's coming "back home" to her. Is that not the cutest effing thing someone's ever said on a reality show not devoted to dating?
Both Tyler and Angela came to play, but they found each other along the way. A showmance could end up dooming their game if they get found out, but, honestly, who even cares when you may have found true love?
Here's hoping these two Hilton Head-ites can make it work inside the house and out.