
Bethenny & Ramona Are So Over On 'RHONY'

by Lindsay Denninger
Heidi Gutman/Bravo

Bethenny and Dorinda have been on the outs all season long on Real Housewives Of New York, and I have to say that I think it’s over. Heck, I really hope that it’s over, because I’m not sure I can take much more of this. It started in Season 9 at least when Ramona feigned concern about Bethenny’s daughter and the effect that Bethenny’s soft-core adult video acting job that she did 30 years ago would have on her. Yeah, okay, because six-year-olds can unearth those things and talk about them on the playground. It’s been sort of civil until now, but in the Berkshires (as always in the Berkshires), Bethenny and Ramona really fought on Real Housewives Of New York. I’m thinking this is the end of the line for them.

Let’s not pretend that this tension between them is isolated to just Season 9 — back in Season 3, Ramona told Bethenny that she would ruin all of her relationships and probably die alone, so there’s that. That’s probably the nicest thing that Ramona’s ever said, also. They were friendly through divorces and health scares, but when things are calm, from where I stand, Ramona always wants to start things with Bethenny, just like when she had some weird fake concern about a video that’s been out for 30 years. Is Dorinda’s home situated on an ancient burial ground? That place has to be cursed, because all anyone does in there is fight. It’s like they become possessed and can't contain the crazy. This is bad if you already contain some crazy.

On this year’s Berkshires’ trip, Bethenny did her best to stay away from Ramona, and spoiler alert: it didn’t work. Ramona confronted Bethenny in the living room, and by confronted, I mean Ramona rambled about how Bethenny slept her way to the top and Ramona worked her butt off and it’s not fair and Bethenny just kind of sat there and took it. It wasn’t because Ramona was right. I’m not sure that Ramona is right about anything, eve. It was because most of what Ramona was saying was so out of left field that Bethenny didn’t know what to say. After, Bethenny just left, because what else can you do? You can't reason with someone who doesn't want to be reasoned with.

This isn’t just about Bethenny and Ramona, either — this is about Ramona and the rest of the cast. When Ramona tried to do a post mortem with each of the other Housewives about her fight with Bethenny, you could see everyone’s eyes glaze over. No one believes Ramona’s side of the story, nor do they want to listen to her. Say what you will about Bethenny, but I think if the other Housewives had to choose, they would choose to film with Bethenny. Will Ramona even get asked back next season? If no one wants to be around her, it’s hard to force it. Bethenny and Ramona’s fight was certainly one of the most bananas ones we’ve seen on Real Housewives Of New York (probably since Aviva threw her leg), and it signals a crossroads — does the show keep going on with fights like these, or do they try a new cast (or at least replace some of the members) for Season 10?