You Can Actually Go To That Wild Grooming Competition In Netflix's 'Dogs'

The arrival of cold weather makes Dogs the perfect (but not purr-fect, get out of here cats) Netflix choice, but sooner or later the cabin fever will set in. Why not take inspiration from the series for your next trip? You can attend the Grooming Expo featured on Dogs and watch all those pawfect (nailed it) puppers get pampered for yourself. Episode 4 felt like a four-legged version of Toddlers and Tiaras meets Project Runway, as the series documented various groomers competing in a freestyle competition, including two who flew in to California from Japan. These talented stylists put their scissors to the test to transform some extraordinarily patient pooches.
The next Pasadena expo is coming up soon. The 2019 GroomExpo West will take place in February — and while registration is not yet open, you can submit your name and information to find out more when it is available. Exhibitors can apply online already for the 2019 expo, so it probably won't be long.
The event lasts three days and this is a full on convention, so attendees can take advantage of the trade show and a floor full of vendors. According to the website, you can try different kinds of scissors, see demonstrations, attend educational programs and panels, learn all kinds of new techniques, and get discounts on all kinds of supplies. Also, you get to see a whole lot of fancy dogs get fancied up. What more do you want?
The official website summarizes it as such:
"Groom Expo West is for anyone who makes a full or part-time living from professional pet care... or is a serious hobbyist. Groomers, mobile groomers, kennel operators and kennel personnel, trainers, day care operators, veterinarians, pet retailers, animal behaviorists, shelter personnel, breeders, handlers, vet techs, or anyone involved in the pet industry will find a wealth of information, products and services to meet your needs."
From the look of the Dogs episode, it doesn't seem like the audience at grooming competitions is as big as, say, other competitive dog shows — but maybe they just haven't caught on yet! Give grooming the attention it deserves. According to Pet Age, attendance has been growing at various grooming competitions in 2018.
You also don't have to be a groomer yourself to apply. Remember how the Japanese contestants had to borrow dogs? Why not apply as an owner? They also take veterinarians, shelters, trainers, handlers — and pet sitters. Honestly, that might be the best sitting gig out there. Definitely look into it, there's plenty of time between now and February.
This is also not the only Groom Expo in the country — Hersey, Pennsylvania hosts one in September that boasts itself as the world's largest. Intergroom, a Spring competition, takes place in New Jersey. There are groom expos in New England, Texas, the Midwest, New York City, and more!
If you can't wait, or can't attend, there are a ton of pictures online for vicarious living. Add some groomer instagrams to your lineup of daily dog content. Groom Expos are definitely becoming a thing, and Dogs just made that world accessible to us all.