'Gilmore Girls' Vs. 'The Resident' — Here's How Matt Czuchry's Characters Measure Up

FOX's new doctor drama show The Resident (series costume design: Eulyn Colette Hufkie and Leigh Leverett) is the latest medical drama to hit the airwaves, and, so far, it seems like a little bit of House, M.D. (series writing: Liz Friedman, 17 episodes), a little bit of Training Day (associate producer: Susan E. Novick), and a little bit of Grey's Anatomy (creator: Shonda Rhimes), all rolled into one. And you may recognize the lead actor, Matt Czuchry — he had a long-standing role as Cary on The Good Wife (creator: Michelle King), but most importantly, he played Rory's beau Logan Huntzberger on Gilmore Girls (creator: Amy Sherman-Palladino) for a number of seasons. So how much alike are Logan Huntzberger and Dr. Conrad Hawkins on The Resident? Let me count the ways...
Dr. Conrad Hawkins, as we see in the first episode of The Resident is the resident (pun intended) badass of his hospital. He's the maverick, the doctor that, as nurse Nic (played by Emily VanCamp) says, is akin to the mechanic that fixes the rattle in your car and sends you on your way. He can diagnose you from the dirt on your shoe. (See why I said this had House, M.D. vibes?) Conrad is also super, super arrogant, and he thinks that he knows everything. And I don't know — maybe he does. But telling a Harvard Medical School graduate (Dr. Devon Pravesh, Conrad's first-year resident) that he knows nothing about medicine and is not a doctor is not really the best way to start a relationship or make people feel endeared to you.
If you didn't watch Gilmore Girls, I'm sorry for you. You definitely should. But in any case, Logan was the playboy, hard-to-pin-down heir to a newspaper fortune that Rory ended up falling in love with. Logan was a pretty polarizing character on whether or not he was good for Rory, but I stand firmly in the "eh, he was alright" camp. Logan skated by on his good looks and family name, and even though he tried to grow up in the later seasons of Gilmore Girls, Rory was always too good for him. (Except if you want to talk about the Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life revival, which I don't.)
That being said, Logan and Conrad have some distinct similarities in their personalities, and a few differences, too. Let's see how they measure up in some key categories.
1. Relationships
Logan was a commitment phobe until he met Rory — then, he decided that he could be the "girlfriend guy." But they did have their problems, and Logan was not the best boyfriend. He wasn't as bad as Dean... but not great. Conrad seems to be pulling away from Commitment Island, too. He dated Nic, a nurse, but for some reason broke up with her and now he's trying to get her back. She's teasing him, though, trying to give him a taste of his own medicine. Not sure that Logan would have ever put up with that.
2. Career
Conrad is not like a regular doctor — he's a cool doctor. That's why he doesn't wear dressy clothes or a tie. He's all about the doctoring, man. That being said, Conrad seems to be a great health professional, even if his incessant blathering drives people away. He's annoying because he knows what his chosen profession is, and he's good at it. Logan, on the other hand, just expected to inherit his father's business, and when he didn't do that, he tried to form his own company and lost a lot of cash. In the revival, he wore a suit and lived in London, so I don't know what his job was, but he probably wasn't great at that either.
3. Swag
For Conrad to say all of the things to Devon's face and not get slugged, that guy has some serious confidence. Conrad walks around the hospital like he owns the place, but Logan has Conrad beat in the swag category — he walked around like he owned the place because his father had given enough money to Yale to at least buy him a building.
4. Empathy
Logan is a rich kid that doesn't care for anyone but other rich kids (Rory was a Gilmore, so she is still a rich kid). Conrad, though, seems to be into medicine for the sheer fact that he wants to save people's lives. He is on a mission to stop Dr. Bell from hurting any other patients (this guy has a real way with killing people), and when Devon accidentally brings a brain-dead woman back to a heart rhythm, Conrad wants to take her off life support. He tries, even, before Nic catches him. It's super dark, but it's indicative of the fact that Conrad really wants to do good, even if he has to do bad to do it.
5. Intelligence
Was Logan really that smart? It seems to me that he had some brains in his body, but he mostly knew how to game the system and make people like him (remember when he sweet-talked the printer to get the Yale Daily News out on time?). Conrad goes out of his way to make people not like him, and yet he's still super good at his job. That means he's very smart. Not emotionally intelligent, necessarily, but smart at medicine.
Will Conrad bring down Dr. Bell? Can he win Nic's heart again? Why would he try and take someone off life support? The Resident pilot leaves viewers with some questions, but at least it's nice to see a familiar face on our televisions — even if he isn't exactly the same as Logan.