
Sophie Handled Sexism Like A Boss On 'The Catch'

by Caitlin Flynn
Nicole Wilder/ABC

When Sophie felt completely let down by Danny after being shot at on the job, she went on the rebound and hooked up with Tommy. Although Alice's brother isn't much of a catch, there was absolutely nothing wrong with Sophie's decision. You can't cheat on someone you're not dating and, even if that had been the case, Danny's actions in the March 23 episode "The Dining Hall" were sexist, childish, and incredibly demeaning. Danny slut-shamed Sophie in front of their bosses on The Catch, and she put him in his place in the best way possible.

As the team attempts to track down Tommy, who's gone AWOL with that $3 million, Sophie receives an unexpected office delivery — a pair of seriously pricey earrings from Tommy. Alice and Val ask who they're from and she freezes, so Danny jumps in to accuse, "Are they from Tommy?" He's mad that Sophie dared go out on a date despite their own flirtatious rapport, so he seizes the opportunity to not only humiliate her, but get her in hot water with Alice and Val (or so he hopes).

Visibly shaken, Sophie apologizes to Alice who immediately assures her that she has nothing to be sorry about and the earring delivery just gave AVI its first lead. Cut to Danny, scowling at his desk because he's just so disappointed that Alice and Val are uninterested in shaming a young woman who went out on a date.

Nicole Wilder/ABC

The moment they're alone, Sophie confronts Danny directly and gets straight to the point: "You slut-shamed me in front of my bosses." That's exactly what he did, but he refuses to apologize or acknowledge that his actions were completely unprofessional and disrespectful. Then Danny gets knocked down about 10 notches by Margot when the pair is sent to work on another investigation for her, and it's pretty darn satisfying.

Margot's initially dissatisfied that Alice herself isn't handling the case and labels Sophie and Danny "The B Team." But after spending approximately five minutes with them, she declares that Sophie has been moved up to "The A Team" and Danny better step it up if he wants to keep up with her. Ah, karma.

Sophie handled this situation perfectly — she chose to confront Danny in private because, unlike him, she recognizes that it's ridiculously unprofessional to have personal arguments in front of your bosses. She didn't mince words when it came to describing what he did and why it was wrong — and then she went out and kicked ass on the job because Sophie's definitely not about to let some sleazy guy cramp her style.