Melania & Barron Now Live In The White House
After choosing to remain in New York City during the first five months of the Trump administration, First Lady Melania Trump moved to the White House with Barron, the president's 11-year-old son. "Looking forward to the memories we'll make in our new home!" Melania tweeted on Sunday with the hashtag #MovingDay. Her press secretary Stephanie Grisham also sent out a tweet confirming the move. "It's official! @FLOTUS & Barron have made the move to DC! #WelcomeHome," she wrote. The two Trumps did not immediately move to D.C. after Inauguration Day in order to allow Barron to finish his term at the New York school at which he was enrolled.
Their arrival took place a few days earlier than the initially planned date of June 14, according to POLITICO. Given that June 14 happens to be President Trump's birthday, scheduling the transition to a different date will no doubt be more convenient for any personal plans the family may have to celebrate.
Melania's constant presence in the capital is sure to bring a higher level of expectation when it comes to her duties as First Lady. "I do think once she's in D.C. there'll be more pressure for her to be working on something that's her own, that's helping some segment of the population because that's what first ladies are supposed to do," said Jean Harris, who teaches political science at the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania.
Melania has been plagued with reports of an insufficient staff and neglected First Lady responsibilities since her husband took office. A February New York Times report highlighted that she had still not hired staff for crucial positions typically filled before Inauguration Day. Requests for White House tours reportedly went unanswered by the thousands and this year's Easter Egg Roll was reported to have been hastily put together by a team unequipped to face the monumental challenge of planning the White House's most high-profile event of the year.
Now that she's a full-time resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, it'll be interesting to see the level of commitment she'll dedicate to carrying out her proposed anti-cyberbullying campaign, which her press secretary has suggested is "still a work in progress," according to USA Today.
Katherine Jellison, professor of history with a focus on First Ladies at Ohio University, argues that Melania's presence in the White House will also serve to improve the Trumps' family image: "The move helps to give the impression that the president is currently in a stable, solid marriage and that his home life is under control." After videos of Melania rejecting her husband's attempt to hold her hand on more than one occasion went viral, it's hard to imagine that the president wouldn't welcome changing the public's impression in this capacity.
As for Barron, he'll be starting the new school year at St. Andrew's Episcopal School in Potomac, Maryland, in the fall.