You Can Now Book A Flight From The U.S. On Hello Kitty Planes & It Includes HELLO KITTY SNACKS

Full disclosure before we proceed: I am an aggressive Hello Kitty stan, from a childhood growing up in my mom's Hello Kitty pink kitchen to an adulthood swilling Hello Kitty branded wine. But never in my shiny pink bedazzled existence have I come across anything quite as magical sounding as the EVA Air Hello Kitty jet, which is officially letting customers book flights out of the U.S.
Likely, you've seen the Instagram bait that is the Hello Kitty jet before; Business Traveler reports that EVA Air teamed up with Sanrio to make the Hello Kitty-emblazoned planes back in 2011. For years, though, passengers could only travel with their favorite gal (Hello Kitty is a girl, not a cat, y'all) outside of the U.S., as the A330s traveled between Japan, Hong Kong, South Korea, China, and Guam. In 2014, the news broke that EVA Air was coming to the U.S., and now the magic has officially come full circle — as of March 25, customers can now book flights from Los Angeles to Taipei and live their best Sanrio lives, according to a release from EVA Airways. That is, if they have $920 dollars (and presumably plans to go see things in Taipei).
I'd like to take a moment to thank the Wright Brothers for that whole air travel thing, because yikes on bikes was it all worth it for us to be able to feast our eyes on this.
It's worth noting that there are also flights from Chicago to Taipei that have already been available, so my fellow east coasters, fear not — you are seen.
The flight isn't just popular for the cute paint job on the outside of the jet, though. The entire travel experience is curated for passengers to follow their Hello Kitty bliss. Travel website One Mile At A Time noted that when you arrive at the airport, you check in at a row of bright millennial pink counters, with pink walls covered in the iconic Hello Kitty bows in shades of pink and red. Once you board, all the little plane niceties are Hello Kitty-themed as well, from the nut packages to the sick bags to the little coaster you can put your (pink!!) wine on. The food menu is Hello Kitty-themed, and the food itself has little callbacks to our girl HK (the cheese is cut out in the shape of her! Slay me). Even the toilet paper is Hello Kitty-themed. Plus, as One Mile At A Time notes, there are a whole slew of Hello Kitty items available duty-free.
In other words, I cannot get within five hundred feet of this plane, or I will go bankrupt.
Unfortunately for my wallet and all sound logic telling me to navigate away from this browser, it is super easy to book a flight — EVA Airways has its own portal specifically devoted to their Hello Kitty bookings, with all the time tables between cities. They even have a link to their online shop, full of Hello Kitty-branded travel gear and other knick knacks I don't need but definitely do. Right now you can take a flight out of Chicago on Mondays, Thursdays, on Fridays aboard the Shining Star jet (which features the Little Twin Stars and Hello Kitty), and a flight out of Los Angeles on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays on the Sanrio Family jet (which has preeeetty much every character in Hello Kitty canon on it, I fact that I may or may not know from years of watching the Hello Kitty cartoon that got released in the U.S. on VHS in the '90s).
Now if only they could engineer a Hello Kitty flight that doesn't land again in the real, slightly less Hello Kitty-esque world, but just flies forever into Hello Kitty bliss, and my actual dreams would come true.