
Kellyanne Conway's Husband Keeps Retweeting Polls Of Trump's Sinking Approval Numbers

by Mehreen Kasana
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images News/Getty Images

His wife may be one of the president's most trusted counselors, but that doesn’t stop him from sharing not-so-flattering tweets about Donald Trump. On Twitter, George Conway retweeted polls on Monday that showed public approval was declining when it came to the question of Trump's performance as POTUS. Without adding anything to the slew of tweets, Conway shared findings from two separate polls — one from CNN and another from Quinnipiac University — about the president's declining approval ratings.

The conservative lawyer retweeted several reporters on his Twitter account, including CNN’s senior congressional correspondent Manu Raju, media reporter Brian Stelter, the network's chief national security correspondent Jim Sciutto, The Washington Post’s White House reporter Josh Dawsey, CNBC’s White House reporter Christina Wilkie, and others.

In one of the tweets, Sciutto wrote that the CNN poll showed approval for the president was at 36 percent while the “unfavorable” factor for him shot up to 61 percent. Only 32 percent said he was “honest and trustworthy.” About 36 percent believed that Trump “cares about people like you” and only 30 percent believed he could bring America together, that poll showed. Additionally, 37 percent of those respondents said they believed the president respects the rule of law.

While it may be surprising to see the husband of a White House counselor retweeting post upon post about Trump's dwindling ratings, Conway is no stranger to shading the president online. For instance, in April, he gave Trump a 101 on client-attorney privilege and exactly when authorities can issue a search warrant.

Retweeting polls may just be a strategic move on Conway’s part. After all, Trump is known to love favorable polls and their findings. But what about surveys that don’t exactly paint a rosy picture? It’s difficult to say if Trump is a big fan of those.

This, however, is all speculation, as Conway has not yet commented on what he chooses to tweet and retweet. In another post he shared on Twitter, the Quinnipiac University poll showed that 54 percent of people polled by the institution disapproved of Trump’s performance as the president of the United States. Only 38 percent of the respondents approved of it.

Things don’t get any prettier going further into the study. Findings for the university poll showed that 57 percent of the respondents said Trump lacked solid leadership qualities. When it came to concern for Americans’ well-being, 55 percent said Trump did not care for the public. The poll showed that 65 percent believed he was not level-headed while 57 percent said he was a strong person. While he was shown as a leader lacking balance in the poll's results, 51 percent said he was intelligent. But 60 percent of the polled people said he lacked common values with voters.

Alex Wong/Getty Images News/Getty Images

While Conway may find fans among those critical of Trump, his wife is not so pleased about her husband's social media habits. In comments to The Washington Post, Kellyanne Conway said that she thought her husband's tweets about the president were "disrespectful" to her.

"I think it's disrespectful," she said. "I think it disrespects his wife ... Nobody knows who I am because of my husband. People know of my husband because of me." The White House counselor may not dig her spouse's online content but whether that will eventually stop him from his tweeting-sprees is hard to say.