
George Conway Asked One Key Question About Trump To Make His Case For Impeachment

by Joseph D. Lyons
Joe Raedle/Getty Images News/Getty Images

In the wake of the Mueller report release, everyone in the country is trying to make sense of what should happen next. That runs from Democratic presidential candidates to the husband of one of the president's top aides. Once again on Tuesday, George Conway entered the impeachment debate with one question that he says is key to deciding if what the president did to impede the Russia investigation is an impeachable offense.

"Do we have a president who is loyal to the country, or loyal only to himself?" Conway asked in a series of tweets that analyzed the findings in the Mueller report and suggested the report's findings laid out a case for impeachment. Conway went on to say that the answer to his question is clear.

"When you put the question that way, and the object of the question is Donald J. Trump, now that we know all that we know about him and have seen all that we have seen, there can only be one answer," Conway tweeted. The Mueller report did not conclude that Trump committed crimes because there wasn't enough evidence to prove a criminal conspiracy with Russia, but it doesn't exonerate him, either. As for obstruction of justice, investigators said they couldn't reach a judgment. Bustle reached out to the White House for comment.

The comments began in a quote tweet that referenced journalist Greg Sargent's thoughts on the matter. Sargent wrote "that by obstructing the probe, Trump impeded the inquiry into not just his conduct, but also into the Russian attack on our political system." Sargent included a link to his long-form piece that makes the same argument.

Conway said that was "exactly right." In his tweets, he notes that the president took an oath to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic." That oath can't be squared with Trump's conduct, Conway argues.

"Here, in attempting to subvert the investigation into Russia’s effort’s to interfere with our electoral process, Trump violated that oath and put his own vanity and self-interest above that of the nation and people whose laws and Constitution he swore to faithfully execute and uphold," Conway goes on to say. "If that’s not impeachable, nothing is."

Given that Russia is involved, Conway argues that is "why Trump’s misconduct is worse than the misconduct that led to Nixon’s resignation."

Conway also wrote a Washington Post piece on the matter last week. But his tweets on Tuesday were more direct. He even brought the founding fathers into it.

"If you posed to them the question of whether the impeachment clause was directed at public officials who placed their own selfish interests above those of the nation’s, they would have said, yes, that’s exactly what we had in mind," Conway wrote. "For them, the case of Donald J. Trump would have been an easy one. It should be an easy one for us as well."

The Trump administration, including George's wife, Kellyanne Conway, have tried to use the report as an exoneration for Trump. "I called this a political proctology exam, and he’s emerging with a clean bill of health," Kellyanne told Fox News following the release of the report.

They've been aided by the attorney general's summary and preemptive press conference on Thursday morning. William Barr has downplayed the details from the report that explain how Trump tried to obstruct Mueller's investigation.

Conway, though, has read the whole thing. He writes that impeachment shouldn't hang on "the kaleidoscopic meaning of collusion or the criminal-law technicalities of obstruction." But rather, he argues, it boils down to that very simple question.