Capricorn Season Is Coming — And So Are Big Changes For Your Career

Just in time for the distracting holidays, Capricorn season is here to whip us into professional shape and help us focus on big projects and the future. The ambitious earth sign's season starts on December 22 and runs through January 19, taking us through the holidays and into the New Year, without any chance of slacking off or getting stuck on vacation mode. Referred to casually in the astrology community as "as baller season," Cap season will encourage us to strive. But just how much you're able to thrive professionally during this time will be up to the cosmos. How Cap season will affect your career depends on your zodiac sign.
Some signs are invigorated by Capricorn's hard working energy. They're energized to pour their efforts into their work, and because of it, their work thrives and their careers evolve over the season. Other signs are easily overwhelmed by Capricorn's ruthless energy, and can feel exhausted and unfocused in its presence. To find out how each sign will be inspired by Cap season in the office, Bustle talked to astrologer Lisa Stardust. And according to Stardust, all signs should "be prepared to work hard, play hard." Cap's energy will influence us to put in the time at work, but that doesn't mean there won't be room for fun, too. Here's how each sign's professional life will be affected by Capricorn season:
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
According to Stardust, Aries is going to be incredibly activated by Cap season energy. After lots of extra hours and really valuable work that's finally noticed by the people in charge, "a promotion is on its way at this time, so keep your ears and eyes open for news."
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
"It’s time to think outside the box on projects. It will lead to success down the road," Stardust says for Taurus. Though you might believe that your current method is worth sticking with, the cosmos will favor a change of pace or a re-route. Switching up the energy in your workflow will propel it right now.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
According to Stardust, a raise may be coming your way. You deserve it after a year of hard work, so be humble when it happens, but give yourself the pat on the back you deserve and get yourself something nice to celebrate. You're inspired to work even harder when the raise comes through, so get ready for a few seasons of your work life taking a lot of your energy.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Cap season is going to be professionally complicated for Cancer. According to Stardust, "power struggles within contacts will come to head," so it's importance to keep your head to the ground when you're negotiating and to represent yourself in the most mature and elegant way possible. It might be easy to lose your cool right now, so do take some time to meditate and think a few seconds longer than usual before you speak to avoid flair ups.
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
Being the center of attention when it comes to water cooler gossip is not where you want to be Leo, but Stardust tells Bustle that you might find yourself there during Cap season. "You may experience some drama with coworkers," she reveals, but goes on to say that it will be easily resolved if you put in the effort to smooth things over and be mature about it.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
"Your creativity is high," Stardust tells Bustle, "but, you may have the occasional inspirational crash." Try not to get down on yourself when this happens. You're going to have a lot of ups and downs this month, so you have to trust that if you feel stuck, there will be a breakthrough. You have so many amazing creative ideas to share — tap into them and be patient for them.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
You’re trying to find a balance between work and your personal life, and according to Stardust, "this will prove challenging." If you take the extra care to be kind and gentle on yourself while you find a routine that works, you'll fix the balance. It's nothing that you can't restructure, it's just going to take some special attention. By the end of Cap season, you'll be in a good stride.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
While it might feel like a harmless way to connect with your coworkers and pass the time, Stardust warns that Scorpio's love for gossip could come back to bite them during Cap season, particularly with HR. To avoid stirring up negative energy and appearing unprofessional, make a concerted effort to bite your tongue when it comes to being a tea spiller at the office.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
"Money matters will consume your mind. Don’t stress if your bonus is less than you imagined," Stardust tells Bustle, warning Sags that they might not be compensated for their work in the way they expect. Though it might take the wind out of your sails and make you feel unappreciated, you should try to hold your head high and continue with the amazing work you've been doing that got you the bonus in the first place. If you feel that you're being really unfairly compensated, schedule a meeting to discuss it.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
If you're a Cap, you're probably not even reading your horoscope because your professional life is too busy thriving to leave you any room to wonder about it. "You’re on the impetus of something great. This will lead you to be at the top of your game at work," Stardust tells Bustle, so enjoy this epic month, you deserve it.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
You've been working really hard, and right now you just need a break. You're not in the mood to thrive, and that's OK too. You don't have to been in "baller mode" year round. "Due to the holiday parties, you’re taking a temporary break from the dog days at work. It’s time to not get super invested in matters," Stardust tells Bustle.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
Pisces is feeling social, and while it might seem like this desire is taking you away from your work, it might actually be leading you directly into it. "You’re excelling at networking — which will lead you to connect with your peers. Also, towards a new job." So get out there and chat it up with people who inspire you and consider how and where these connections might take you.
While all signs might be inspired by Cap energy in different ways, I think we can all agree that the strong and passionate energy enriches us both inside and outside of the office.