
8 Hacks For Dealing With Communication Issues At Work

by Brittany Bennett

A substantial amount of most people's lives are spent engulfed in their work computer. With all those e-mails and conference calls buzzing in, it can be hard to maintain professional composure for all of those hours. Issues arise. But lucky for us, there are some hacks to help solve communication problems at work. The little things that begin to tug at your patience can be worked out.

You're spending a lot of time with co-workers. While professional relationships usually always develop, these people become your work fam. This means, after some time, they might start to feel like nagging siblings. Except you can't snap on them and threaten to tattle to mom. Adult life means learning how to resolve issues. Especially when they involve communication.

Without solid communication, there will be an e-mail sent to a client twice. There will be unnecessary passive aggressiveness. Somebody won't get the memo. And it is very important to get the memo! If you're experiencing communication blunders at the office and are on the verge of calling in a relationship counselor, you might want to test out a few hacks to get communication back on track. Don't worry, you don't have to go about building anything elaborate to get meetings back on track. It's not exactly science, it's mostly just ... patience.


It doesn't seem like an actual ~hack~, I know, but it is: if you want to improve communication, it all starts with understanding that listening is part of talking. Try "active listening" to inspire a better communicative flow in your office. According to John M. Grohol, Psy.D., on PsychCentral, "Active listening is all about building rapport, understanding, and trust." Engage with the person you're having issues with to hear out their feelings on the matter.

Make Eye Contact

Locking eyes with a person you're frustrated with could make you feel shifty and uncomfortable, but it's a crucial step in working through the tough times. According to Michigan State University, " It shows attentiveness and interest in what is being said. Eye contact is similar to a conversation; it goes back and forth between those individuals who are engaged in a discussion, dialogue, or chat." Looking somebody in the eye shows them that you respect what they have to say. Which, hopefully, makes them feel empowered to open up so we can all get to the heart of the issue and move along with handing out all those memos!

Ask For Feedback

To make sure that the person you're attempting to communicate with is ~actually~ tuned into the conversation, it doesn't hurt to ask for their input. It encourages a continuous back and forth while also implying that you care about their point of view.

It's All In The Body Language

Sure, you could be standing around and listening to what the other person is saying, but do you really care? The answer is all in the body language. Be conscious of your eyes and your posture. Inc. reported, "Avoid both slumping and rocking back and forth in your chair (or leaning back). Slumping conveys disinterest, rocking or leaning back says you're bored. Instead, lean forward when listening to someone speak which indicates an active interest in the speaker." Show the person you're trying to patch things up with that you are here for saving this professional relationship with the simple hack of proper posture.

Stay Positive

If the end goal is to settle communication issues, you'll want to stay positive during your conversation. Nobody is going to engage in problem solving if you're loading blame on their shoulders. You'll have yourself a whole new set of issues to untangle later. Go in with the goal of resolving the ordeal and refrain from using any negative language.

Allow People To Finish Their Thoughts

Don't interrupt. Although tempting at times, especially when points prompt rebuttals, bite that tongue. To clarify: your tongue, not theirs. Allow somebody to finish their thought. Digest it and then respond. It shows that you're not only listening but care about what they have to say.

Ask Questions

Asking questions is another way to show somebody that you're listening. And that you want to make sure that you're both on the same page. Make things ~crystal clear~. This way, the parties involved can hop back on the highway of open communication.

Leave Your Phone At Your Desk

Don't show up to a conversation about how to fix the vibe of your conversations carrying on with a conversation on a different device. Leave your phone tucked into your desk so that you are completely available to discussing how to improve the workplace flow.