
The Founders of SISSFiT Reveal The Pre- and Post- Workout Routine They Can’t Live Without

by Suzanne McKenzie

Whether you're a seasoned pro or you've never set foot in a gym before, finding a balanced and healthy workout routine is pretty much always a challenge. Between long work hours, family obligations, and busy social calendars, it can be difficult to know how you're going to fit in regular exercise, and even harder to make the most of those workouts that you DO manage to squeeze in.

That's why teamed up with adidas to talk to two fitness professionals about the routines that help them stay on track, and their advice for other people who are also seeking that elusive healthy balance.

Lauren and Kelly Collins are the founders of SISSFiT, a brand that strives to empower people to live healthier and fitter lives through first-hand education and a realistic approach to wellness. As certified fitness trainers, sports models, and former Division 1 athletes, these powerhouse sisters use their voices to break down the intimidation factor that so often surrounds working out, and their proprietary workouts offer a dose of fit-spiration for newbies and athletes alike.

Just like adidas, the Collins sisters believe that everyone should have great running and fitness experiences, no matter where they are on their workout journey.

We chatted with Kelly and Lauren about what works for them when it comes to staying fit in the midst of a hectic schedule, making the most of every workout, and their best advice for easing into a fitness routine when you're totally new to pounding the pavement.

Here are the SISSFiT founders' 5 secrets for success.

1. Fit in fitness where you can

Lauren and Kelly find that the best time for them to squeeze in a workout is early in the morning, before Lauren's 8-month-old son Shane wakes up, and before their typical day full of emails, meetings, and creating content gets underway. Even if it's a short one, tailoring a workout to fit their schedule helps them start their day off on the right foot.

"If we’re not traveling for work, a typical day for us includes waking up early to have coffee and a healthy breakfast, getting in a workout before the day swoops us up (being former track athletes, we usually opt for a 30-minute HIIT cardio sesh) and then heading into the office for the day. Each day brings a new and different challenge which always keeps us on our toes!"

2. Fuel up right

Instead of going the protein shake route, these sisters prepare for their workouts by sticking to wholesome snacks that keep them full without weighing them down.

"To be honest, we’re not big protein shake girls. [Before a workout,] we like to keep it simple with an energy-filled, easy to digest snack such as a banana with almond butter. And of course, lots of water."

And when it comes to replenishing their bodies post sweat sesh? It's all about fresh, local foods and healthy fats.

"If we get in our morning workout, we love [to follow it up with] avocado toast with an egg — something balanced, healthy and delicious. We also love big salads and bowls and are very spoiled with all of the variety that Southern California has to offer ... and we are never afraid to load up on healthy fats."

3. Dress for success

These ladies are all about merging comfort and fashion, and they acknowledge that the right gear can make ALL the difference when it comes to the effectiveness of your workout.

"Footwear is everything! Making sure you find the proper footwear for the activity you’re doing is key. The same goes for our outfits — we love comfortable yet supportive sports bras and tights that will stay put in any activity and most importantly, breathe. There’s nothing worse than an outfit that slides around or doesn’t moisture-wick sweat!"

4. Embrace the buddy system

One of their favorite ways to stay energized and maximize their workout is to do it alongside a friend (which, in the Collins sisters' case, means each other!).

"When possible, [work out with] a workout buddy! We are lucky to have each other and most of our best workouts are ones where we can push and motivate one another to do a little more or go a little harder than we might otherwise."

5. When in doubt, start small

If there's one thing that the SISSFiT sisters know to be true, it's that there's a workout plan for everyone, no matter how much (or how little) fitness experience you have.

"We always say, 'you don’t need to be a runner to run.' First and most importantly, don’t set expectations for yourself, just try to have fun. If you’ve never run before, start out slow and give yourself the freedom to walk [when necessary]. We find that interval training is a great way to get started, so for example: jog for 2 minutes and then walk for 1 minute, repeating this until you reach a mile. Then build up slowly from there (2-3 minutes more per workout), and always be sure to take off a day in between running days."

This post is sponsored by adidas.