The world isn't always a friendly place for single folks. Thanks to toxic, happily-ever-after romantic ideals coupled with the biological drive to procreate, paired up people are often viewed as happier, healthier, and more "normal" than those flying solo. Given this fact, the worst cities for singles could be just about anywhere, really, but according to financial planning site WalletHub's analysis of 182 U.S. cities, there are definitely places worse than others for the single set to reside.
Whether you love it or hate it (or feely deeply ambivalent about it), Sex and the City is one show that knew how to approach the complexities of single life. As Carrie Bradshaw once said, “The most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself." And while this is beautiful and pretty damn relatable (if not absolutely true), we know from watching the show that it also doesn't exempt you from the ups and downs of dating. If you happen to live in a city that is friendly to those on the prowl, you'll likely find it easier to stay afloat and live your best life without an intimate partner. On the other hand, if your city is not compatible with your singlehood, you could be faced with an uphill battle.
Here are some of the worst cities for singles to live in from data in WalletHub's survey — and why.
1South Burlington, Vermont
According to WalletHub's calculations, the absolute worst city to live in for singles is South Burlington, Vermont. It came in dead last in the "Dating Opportunities" track, which means there are very few "active Tinder users," a dismal singles gender balance, a low percentage of singles in the population, and few online dating opportunities and mobile dating opportunities. In short, stay the hell away from South Burlington if you're on your own, because it's not big on local entertainment either — unless you count touring the Ben & Jerry's headquarters, that is. (Which could be a boon or a total disaster, depending on your relationship with Chunky Monkey.)
2New Haven, Connecticut
Yes, it's home of some of the country's best and brightest intellectuals (hello, Yale), but New Haven, Connecticut (ranked 78/182) isn't necessarily ideal for singles. Of all the cities analyzed in the survey, this New England town ranked number one in highest restaurant meal costs. Of course, if you're super rich (or love to cook at home) it might not matter, but if you're an average babe or bro looking to go out and mingle it could put a real hurting on your bank account.
3Glendale, California
California is a lovely state, but the city of Glendale is apparently no friend to single folks. According to WalletHub, this suburb of Los Angeles is ranked 171st out of 182 cities for daters to live in. Not only is it light on "Fun and Recreation" opportunities, but it also ranks awesomely low on Dating Opportunities, too. On top of all that, Glendale has some of the highest movie theatre costs in the country, so you can count out dinner and a movie if you're trying to have fun on the cheap.
4New York City
NYC came in 20th overall, but don't let it fool you. The city that never sleeps might allow for 24 hours of partying and rank number one for local attractions, but it also has some of the highest rents, the highest cost for alcohol, and the highest cost for eating out in the entire country. Add that to the fact that single women far outnumber single men at a ration of nearly 2 to 1, and female heterofolk are definitely at a disadvantage in the Big Apple.
5West Valley City, Utah
This suburb of Salt Lake City, ranked 51/182, has some of the fewest nightlife options per capita of any city WalletHub analyzed. Clubs, bars, speakeasies, and late night hotspots aren't their strong suite, so if you prefer meeting people through dating apps or at the bookstore — or dates at home and in the quiet of the wilderness — then maybe this spot is for you.
It's important to note that although the above-mentioned cities might be ranked as "bad" for singles and wannabe daters, beauty is still in the eye of the beholder. There are no guarantees that a city will fulfill all your desires, as there is no one-size-fits-all for the coupled up or the single life.