These 3 Solar Eclipse Doomsday Theories Will Make This Monday Extra Creepy
For most of us, the upcoming solar eclipse on Aug. 21 is a good thing — an exciting thing, something to look forward to and make special plans for. The concept of a nationwide sky show that brings everyone outside to witness a natural phenomena together is something that's really special and fortuitous. But historically, for a lot of people, the eclipse has represented something much more sinister; in fact, even present-day humans have come up with some solar eclipse doomsday theories that are guaranteed to give you the creeps come Monday.
Many ancient civilizations believed that the sun going dark was a sign of it losing its power, and the people believed it was somehow their fault and a punishment. They'd do things like offer praise and worship to the sun during the eclipse, believing that the reason why the sun became bright again was due to their efforts. Other ancient civilizations believed that mythological creatures were responsible for biting or scaring away the sun, so from earth they'd yell and scream, banging pots and pans and make nose to scare away the creatures, again believing their work was helpful as the sun always came back out shining. Without Google, and with the sun always returning to brightness, it was easy for them to buy into their own superstitions.
But despite the fact that science is readily available and certifiable around the world, and Google has been here for quite some time, there are still people in present day civilizations that believe the eclipse is a dangerous and spiritual event, rather than an innocent yet astronomical event.
The Rapture Is Coming
Unsealed, a Christian prophecy site, believes that the upcoming solar eclipse will spark the beginning of a "Tribulation," which is an apocalyptical curse lasting seven years, in which 75 percent of the earth and its people will be destroyed in the Rapture. Seven years of course, marks the length of time between this total solar eclipse in the United States and the next, which will take place on April 24, 2024.
A Planet Is Going To Crash Into Ours
Other conspiracy theorists believe that passages in the Old Testament, like this one from Isaiah — "The Stars of Heaven and their constellations will not show their light. The rising Sun will be darkened and the Moon will not give its light" — prove that the eclipse is indeed a sign of the end of times. In fact, this particular brand of theorists believe that the eclipse is the beginning of a planet called Nibiru crashing into Earth, specifically on Sept. 23, 2017, citing this Monday's phenomenon as a "harbinger" of its arrival. If that's the case, you've got about a month to finish off that rosé in your fridge.
A Lizard Man Is Coming For Your Car
Can't make this kind of stuff up — apparently in the 1970s, a lizard-man reportedly attacked a motorist in South Carolina. Since then, he's become a legend, like a South Carolina Bigfoot, with witnesses claiming to have seen him over the years. People are suspicious that he will return when the solar eclipse reaches South Carolina, which is snugly in the eclipse's path of totality this time around. The rumors are widespread enough that the South Carolina Emergency Management Division issued this statement: "SCEMD does not know if Lizardmen become more active during a solar eclipse, but we advise residents of Lee and Sumter counties to remain ever vigilant. #solareclipse2017."
While some of these theories are interesting to read about, I think we can all agree that we have enough existing issues here on Earth to worry about — there's no need to put any additional energy into conspiracy theories (unless that's your jam, in which case, you do you, Lizardman fans). The eclipse isn't anything to be scared of; that said, don't forget your protective eyewear! We may not be getting raptured, but that won't stop us from burning our poor eyes.