
Tiffany Trump Posed With An Anti-Trump Card Game On Instagram & What Is Happening??

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The president's youngest daughter has raised eyebrows again, this time for posting a photo of herself with a card game. But the so-called "Trumped Up Cards" deck that Tiffany Trump was seen holding in her Instagram story photos was not a piece of her family's merchandise, but rather a Cards Against Humanity-style game intended to poke fun at her dad. Though posted early on Tuesday, the posts were dated May 20.

According to The Washington Post, Tiffany was at a Washington, D.C. bar and restaurant called HalfSmoke, which stocks board games for patrons to play while they hang out. In one of several photos apparently posted from the restaurant, Tiffany smiles with a male friend, holding up the deck of "Trumped Up Cards." The photo is captioned, simply, "milkshakes + games."

Several posts later in her story, in a post that is now-deleted but which the Post reported on, Tiffany held up a card from the deck, which featured a cartoon image of the president saying, "So sue me!"

The tone of the posts is unclear, and Tiffany has not publicly commented on them since they were shared. It is unclear whether she actually played the card game or how she interpreted its presence at the eatery.

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That Tiffany hasn't commented on her posts is not unusual, and that's because she basically never does. This might have to do with her apparent social media savviness.

Around the time that her father was inaugurated to the presidency, many outlets lauded the first daughter as "Instagram famous," and her continued posts in the last year and a half signify that she is no less interested in maintaining a social media presence.

Part of maintaining her allure would almost undoubtedly require she do her best to steer clear of controversy — something her other family members often choose not to do. In other words, if she maintains an air of mystery without angering people who oppose her father's politics, it's probable that she would maintain a relatively benign set of viewers and followers.

The other side of the coin is that Tiffany is a law student, and mentors and experts often instruct young professionals to keep a close eye on what they post on their personal social media accounts. In this day in age, it's astonishingly simple to run a search on someone that could unearth less-than-desirable social media posts from years past. It happens all the time. Oftentimes, the best way to avoid controversies down the road is to say very little, or nothing at all.

It's not clear whether that's exactly Tiffany's motivation, but compared to her siblings and father, she is the least likely to stir up headlines because of an opinion she has shared online. Perhaps the most controversial social media phenomenon she was party to took place in 2016, when she was named by The New York Times as an affiliate of the "Brat Pack," a group of wealthy young people who lived primarily in New York City and who shared their luxurious and expensive lifestyles online.

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When it comes to understanding Tiffany Trump, it's also important to remember that she is a graduate student, and like most graduate students, she's probably trying to make sense of her life and decide what she wants to do moving forward. And unlike her other siblings, she grew up on the West Coast, largely having been raised by her mother.

While she's certainly a Trump child accustomed to some level of public attention, she's inherently different from many other members of the Trump family. That being said, what she intends for viewers to take away from posts like the ones she shared Tuesday morning remain, as ever, a mystery.