Trump Jr. Gave Tips For Thanksgiving Conversation Starters & Twitter Was Like, No Thanks
Donald Trump's son has proven to be a comedic genius on Twitter, and not exactly in the purposeful way. Now, the nation's favorite pilgrim holiday gave him another chance to shine — or not. This time, Trump Jr. offered bad Thanksgiving conversation tips and Twitter, predictably, had a field day with them.
"Need something to discuss over #Thanksgiving dinner? Try this," Trump Jr. wrote, going on to list "Stock markets at all time highs, Lowest jobless claims since 73, 6 TRILLION added to economy since Election, 1.5M fewer people on food stamps, Consumer confidence through roof, Lowest Unemployment rate in 17 years." He added the "MAGA" hashtag at the end of the tweet, as if to say that these bullet points were all proving that Trump, indeed, is making America great again.
Don Jr. got plenty of conservative responses backing him up, which mostly made some version of the claim that Trump can call all of these things his accomplishments, and Obama had nothing to do with any of it. Liberal Twitter, however, doesn't quite see it that way — mainly because Obama did indeed have a lot to do with the economic bump that the country has seen so far during the Trump administration.
After all, as one Twitter user points out, "President Obama was the one who submitted and made the 2017 federal budget that we are still running on and using, and trump [sic] hasn’t gotten his new tax plan approved yet." And it's true — despite almost a year of complete Republican control over Congress and the White House, they have not yet managed to pass the promised tax reform. Or the promised — but not achieved — Obamacare repeal, but Don Jr. doesn't mention that.
Another thread of responses addresses a couple other potential Thanksgiving dinner topics. After all, the internet has been alight with people worrying what to say to their Trump-supporting relatives, so useful conversation topics would probably have been welcomed.
If Trump Jr. has been paying attention to his responses on Twitter, he might have seen this coming. He got skewered over his last holiday tweet, in which he used his daughter trick or treating to make a very flawed point about socialism. Twitter has not been any kinder to him this time around.
He's also made several other noted Twitter blunders, like the time when he tweeted a meme comparing refugees to poisoned Skittles during the campaign or the time he followed an account that uses the phrase "It's okay to be white" in the header. In comparison with those, then, these failed pieces of Thanksgiving advice don't look so bad.
But even outside of Twitter, Don Jr. has been all over the news lately, and not in the best light. First it came out that he had enthusiastically agreed to meet with a Kremlin-connected lawyer in order to get dirt on Hillary Clinton, and then his secret message exchange with Wikileaks during the campaign also went public. After The Atlantic published the article, Trump Jr. voluntarily released the message string in question — which is exactly what he did after his meeting with the Russian lawyer hit the news.
The overwhelming opinion on the left seems to be that President Trump's eldest son, who currently runs the Trump Organization along with his brother Eric, might not be the sharpest tool in the shed. Maybe it's just the medium of Twitter, where his father doesn't exactly excel either. If your family does indeed run out of things to talk about this Thanksgiving, then perhaps you could bring up this tweet — but not for its discussion points. Go for the comedy value instead. If he keeps up this pattern, we can probably expect something great for Christmas as well.