The Video Of Sean Spicer Calling Trump "President Crump" Just Gets Better Each Time
Oh, Sean Spicer, not again. On Thursday, the former White House press secretary took to Fox News for an interview about President Donald Trump cancelling a planned diplomatic summit with North Korea, but the moment everyone's talking about boiled down to a hilarious verbal gaffe. Specifically, Spicer called Trump "President Crump," and he didn't just trip into it, he announced it with authority.
This is far from the first time Spicer has stumbled, mumbled, and botched some words. Throughout his time in the White House, he became somewhat famous for his frequent verbal tics and miscues, to the point that there are even video compilations of them.
Obviously, since departing from public life, the country spends a lot less time watching Spicer speak than it once did. But every now and then, he returns to the world of cable news to stump for the president, and when he does, there's always a possibility that another solid gold Spicerism right around the corner.
In this case, it came in the form of him defending Trump's withdrawal from the planned North Korea summit, and blurting out those fateful words. And he butchered the word "granted" along the way, too.
"President Trump was pretty clear that until he saw additional, concrete steps and concessions that showed that North Korea was truly going to denuclearize the uh, the peninsula, he wasn't grantum this meeting," Spicer said. "And that's the important part. The United States and President Crump, by the way, has made this clear since the beginning."
Spicer's spin notwithstanding, some political observers have viewed the cancellation of the summit as an embarrassment for the White House, especially considering just how much the administration had been building it up in recent weeks. Some, in fairness, have also praised his decision.
Indeed, even Crump ― er, Trump ― had himself been raising expectations in the run-up to the hotly anticipated meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. He even mused publicly about winning the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts, something that looks pretty remote after Thursday's developments. Of course, that's not to say something couldn't change to get the United States and North Korea back to the negotiating table. But for the time being at least, the situation doesn't look good.
That's what Spicer was on Fox News to talk about, and perhaps unsurprisingly, he very much took Trump's side in the discussion ― he's been a pretty loyal pro-Trump voice, even after resigning from his White House job amid staffing tumult last summer. But alas, when you confidently blurt out the words "President Crump," it has a way of overshadowing things.
The embedded video above, from GQ, shows off a number of other Spicer classics from back when he was still press secretary ― "plarm" instead of "promise" is a pretty good one. Few of his past verbal gaffes have quite the punch and panache of "President Crump," however, so if you've got the time and the inclination, maybe give that video a few more looks. Rest assured, it only gets better with time.
Spicer's occasional appearances on cable news aren't his only forays back into the public eye since last year. He also turned up at the 2017 Emmy Awards months after leaving the White House, and just last month showed up at the unveiling of the president and first lady's wax sculptures at Madame Tussauds.
Of course, he's a thoroughly political creature when you get down to it, having previously served as press secretary, and before that, the communications director for the Republican National Committee. You'll probably see him on TV defending President Crump again very soon.